Decayed Brother

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(Ok! SO I just bite my tongue while eating my breakfast! And it hurts! I'm eating homemade perogies with pepperoni. Anyways! Enjoy! This chapter is kind of short)

I was sitting on a tree branch of an almost broken down tree.
The battle was still going on. 
I had my hood off and my hair was flowing in the wind. 
I wasn't sure what to do anymore.
I want to be with my friends...I want to be with Katsu....but then I'll have to go against my brother, Touya. 
But...he would want whatever is best for me. And I think being with the people who love and care for me is best for me. 
But...would they let me come back?
Katsu said if I helped them then they would. 
"KAMINARI!!!" I heard a scream. 
I turned my head towards the cabin area.

(These are all moments Marinette had with Kaminari as friends.)

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I stared at the cabin areas then nodded to myself

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I stared at the cabin areas then nodded to myself.

I stood up and grabbed my hood and pulled it over.
I jumped off the branch and ran.

I got back to the battlefield and saw chaos. 
I looked around and saw one of the Nomus crushing Kaminari and some of the other students trying to help but can't get passed the other Nomus.
I ran and jumped on a tree and jumped from there and sliced the Nomu. 
I landed on the floor and the Nomu fell behind me.

I ran to Kaminari and lifted his head.
"Kami! I'm so sorry! I'm here!"
"Mari?" He whispered looking at me through his bruised eyes.
"I'm here. I'm never leaving again." I lifted him and ran to a safe place and rested him.
"Stay here."
"Wait." He grabbed my wrist.
"Are you back?"
"....I'm back, Kami. I'm never leaving again."
"Thank you."
"Anytime," I whispered and ran off.
"Marinette!" She got scared and got into a stance.
"I'm with you guys now! Kami is behind over there! Go help him!"
"Ok." She ran past me but stopped when she was beside me.
"I'm glad you're back."
"Thanks." I nodded at her and ran off.

Bakugou's POV:

She left me. Again. 
I hate how much I love her. 
She's going to come back. I just know it.
I sighed and ran back to the battlefield. 

I looked to the side and saw a Nomu crushing Kaminari.
I was going to go but another villain came at me. 
After defeating that villain, I got tackled down. 
We rolled around until we stopped and the villain was above me.
It was Dabi.
The one who looks so close to Marinette. Was he her boyfriend? They looked really close to each other. 

He punched my face making me groan.
"So you're the guy Marinette talks about." He smirked.
"Thanks for taking care of her, man."
I was going to punch him but he punched me again.
"She means so much to I was glad when she called me every day and told me about her day and you hang out with her and stuff. She never had a normal childhood so I'm glad she had fun. So thanks for taking care of my little sis." He smiled.
"You're her fucking brother!?"
"She fucking looked up to you! Always fucking talked about you and shit!"
"Why? Jealous?" He smirked.
"Fucking-" We started fighting on the ground. 
He punched me making me stay still and groan.
My body is quirk is weaker from using it so many times. 
"Now...let me kill you!" He used his quirk and was about to hit me but got tackled off me. 
I groaned and sat up slowly and looked at who tackled him.

Marinette's POV:
I tackled Touya off Katsu before he could kill him.
We rolled around and then I started punching him.
"Marinette! What the fuck?!" He pushed me off of him.
We both stood up and glared at each other.
"What the fuck is your problem!?"
"I'm done. I'm not a villain anymore. I'm joining the heroes!"
"Touya! You would want what's best for me! Right? You're my brother!"
I stared at him.
"Is that what you want?" He whispered.
"Yes," I said with confidence.
"Ok. Fine."
I nodded and went to katsu and helped him up.
"Wait." I turned back to Touya.
He opened his arms for a hug and I didn't hesitate to run into his arms.
"I'm still your brother. You know how to contact me. I'm always here for you."
He kissed my forehead then turned and walked away.
I smiled and turned toward Katsu.
"Hey." He smiled.
"Hey." I smiled at him.

He slowly moved his eyes behind me and widened them. 
I turned around to see the most horrifying scene.
"Touya!?" I yelled and almost ran to him.
"No!" Katsu grabbed me and lifted me and ran the other way.
"Wait! Touya! Katsuki!"
The sight of my brother getting smaller.
The sight of my now decayed brother getting smaller.
Before his face got decayed he sent me a smile.

Katsu took me to the side and put me down.
"He's dead!"
"You gotta suck it up right now! We're in battle! After this.....I'll take care of you! Please!"
"I'm going to kill Shigiraki!" I stood up, pushed Katsuki out of the way, and ran looking for Shigiraki.

(Picture above is Dabi and Marinette!)

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now