Lunch and Training

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(Doesn't he look just so mighty fine up there?~ lol Enjoy!!)

"Where ya going? You look super hot! Are you always this moody? I never met a girl this moody. Are you related to Bakugou? Or better! Mr. Aizawa! You both look really tired!"
"I just want to get some lunch from a corner store." I sighed and got into the elevator.
"Ooh! But Bakugou is cooking today!"
"You guys have to cook?"
"Yep! Everyone has a turn! Then sometimes we just order take out or something."
"You sure Baka knows how to cook?"
"He's amazing at cooking and baking! But he cooks mostly! But he makes them spicy! So now he makes them normally then adds his spice to his plate!"
"Nice...I guess I don't have to buy food." I shrugged while getting out of the elevator. 
We walked into the common room to see a few of the students chilling around. Some were playing video games and some were reading.
"Hey girls! Marinette! Care for some gaming?"
"What game?"
"Yes! Oh my god! I play this with my brother! I-........" I stared at the boys around the T.V staring at me.
"Ahem Sure...I'm gonna grab a snack first."
I muttered while walking towards the kitchen.
I looked through the cupboards for a snack. 
I grabbed some chips and turned around to bump into someone.
"......." I stared at the now-soaking wet Baka.
"What the heck!?"
"Sorry...Didn't see ya there Baka." I muttered while walking past him.
"Oi! What are you doing just walking away!?"
"What do you want me to do?"
"You spilled all this water on me! Now I gotta go back and fill this fucking pot up!"
"sigh hold it, Baka," I muttered before he walked away with the pot.
I used my quirk and pulled out all the water from his clothes and body. Baka just stared at it with shock.
I dropped the water back into the pot making a little bit splash on him. 
"There. No see ya."
"Hold it! You can't eat fucking chips now! I'm almost done with lunch!"
"You won't be hungry for proper food then idiot!"
"You're the Baka, Baka."
"Can you stop fucking calling me that!?"
"Nope...." I muttered while opening the bag of chips and eating one in front of his face.
"Fucking piece of shit!"
"You call me shit...I call you Baka. Simple." I shrugged and walked towards the common room towards the T.V.
"Hey! Let's play! You can play Kiri first!"
"Sure," I muttered while sitting cross-legged and putting my chips in between my legs. 

"How could you beat me!?"
"I've played this a lot. No one could beat me. So I thought you could beat me this time but nope! I'm the champion." I smirked. 
"Wait till Bakubro come! He's gonna beat you!"
"Extras! It's lunchtime!"
Everyone stood up and walked toward the kitchen to grab their plates.
I was in line to get my bowl.
When I got it I stared at it.
It looked so good.
The ramen and egg with the meat. It looked so professional.

"Looks good right?" Mina screamed in my ears

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"Looks good right?" Mina screamed in my ears.
"Uh, y-yea...fine," I muttered while walking towards the table where everyone was sitting.
My phone rang and I checked it to see it was Touya.
I started walking towards the elevator with my food.
"Hey, dude! Where ya going?"
"I'm gonna eat in my room. I got a call." I said then walked off.

Once I got to my room, I called Touya back and we talked for a long time. 
I showed him my food on face time and we laughed and talked for a while.
"Ok. I'm gonna go now, bro."
"See ya, little sis."
"I'm not that lit-he cut off the call..."
I threw my phone on my bed and decided to change into workout clothes to train with my quirk.
I wore a blue workout bra and blue yoga pants. I put my hair in pigtails and left my room after grabbing my bag filled with supplies and towels.

 I put my hair in pigtails and left my room after grabbing my bag filled with supplies and towels

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I grabbed my bowl and went downstairs.
Everyone was chilling again and some were not even there. 
I went to the kitchen and put my bowl in the sink.
"Hey girl!"
"Woah! Where ya going, hot mama!?"
"Dude! Not respectful! But where are you going?"
"Just working out and training. I'll wash my bowl once I come back. See ya." I waved and walked out of the dorm building.
I went to the same area where I always train and put my stuff down and stretched a bit. 
I used my quirk and tried doing stuff I can't do yet. 
I worked out. Did push-ups and sit-ups and used my quirk to lift heavy objects. 

Baka's POV: (Jk lol) Bakugou's POV:

I just finished eating and went to my room.
So let's think about today.
A new girl came and acted like she was the boss. Like who does she think she is?
She gets ranked the same as me!
Then she takes my seat!
Calls me Baka!
Then spills water on me and shows her quirk off.
Then she goes to eat on her own in her room!
Like she's above us!
I did my homework and studied for my test. I have to study with Shittyhair later on tonight.
After finishing my homework I took off my headphones and decided to change to go for a workout.
While I was changing I could hear the piece of shit talking. Still on that phone call!
"Whatever..." I muttered while putting my tank top on myself and grabbing my bag with my supplies and towels.
I took the elevator and got to the common room.
"See ya Bakubro!"
"Be ready for study Shittyhair!"
"Ugh!" I could hear him groan. 
I left the dorm building and walked towards this abandoned building and started training there. 
I've been using this place ever since I started training for the entrance exam. 
I did my stretching and workout then started using my quirk and tried making new moves with it. 
I still get nightmares about my kidnapping with the League and when I got attacked at the end of middle school. But no one needs to know. 
I need to be more prepared so nothing like that happens again. 

After 3 hours of training, I grabbed my towel and wiped my neck and face and left it around my neck.
I grabbed my water bottle and chugged half the bottle into my mouth.
I started walking back towards the dorm building. 
I was a street away from the dorm building when I saw a familiar figure.
It was that piece of shit!
She was wearing a blue workout bra and yoga pants. It was so tight on her and looked good.
What the heck?! What did I just think?!
Anyways she was carrying a bag and had a towel around her neck.
"Oi! You little shit!"
"Yea you!"
"Baka? What are you doing here?" She asked then continued walking when I was near her.
"I just finished working out."
"Oh...same." She sighed and then drank a little bit of water. 
"Where do you train?"
"Somewhere private. No one was there so I could anything. And be as loud as I want." She shrugged.
"Same." I took a sip from my bottle. 
"What?" She was looking at her bottle and shook it and I realized she finished it.
"Give me some of yours."
"What!? Who the fuck do you think you are fucking asking me for my water!?"
"Just give it to me, you Baka."
She just moved her hand around and I saw my water coming out of my bottle from the straw thing and it went straight to her mouth.
"Perks of having a water quirk." She shrugged.
"You piece of shit! That was mine!"
"Here you could have mine."
"Yours is finished!" I shouted.

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now