Abused Life and Sad Songs

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A few days passed and everything was normal. The squad kept dragging me to hang with them and I was actually....having...fun? It was a weird feeling. Baka and I kept arguing. He wants to train with me a lot nowadays ever since he lost. 
I tried getting as much info for my meet-up with the League later on today.

We were all in class when Aizawa wanted all of our attention.
"The Sports Festival is coming in a week. Be prepared and ready for anything."
"Yes sir." Everyone said and the bell rang for lunch.
I was packing my bag when I saw Deku lean back in his chair. We talk sometimes. Not all the time. 
"You excited about the Sports Festival?" He asked with a sparkle in his eyes.
"Eh, I guess." I shrugged while putting my books in my bag.
"Be ready, piece of shit! 'Cuz I'm gonna destroy you!"
"We'll see about that Baka," I smirked lightly while throwing my bag on my shoulder. 
I walked out of the classroom making Mina scream and run after me.
"Mina." I chuckled and let a small smile slip. She wrapped her elbow with mine, and we walked towards the lunch room.
"Ladies," Kaminari said while bowing making me chuckle and Mina laugh.
The guys joined us and we all grabbed our lunch. 
"Who won the Sports festival last year?" I asked while sipping a bit of my chocolate milk.
".....You never watched it on T.V?"
"Nope. Never cared about that stuff before." I shrugged.
"You never wanted to be a hero?"
"Nope. Someone close to my bro brought it up so yea. That's why I'm here."
"Oh. That's cool! You're a great fighter though!"
"My bro taught me."
"You talk a lot about your bro! Can we meet him one day!"
"You guys won't like him trust me."
"And he's all I have left. I love him and he loves me. We've had each other's back all the time. So yea..." I mumbled while missing him.
"Well, you have me now as your bro!"
"You different than him but thanks..."
After that, we all ate our food and went back to class. 

A few classes and a few practices fights later, it was time to go back to the dorms.
I walked ahead but it felt lonely till the group came and pulled me along with them.
"I'm gonna change."
"Ok!" I went to my room and put my stuff away.
I had to meet up with the League in an hour. 
I changed into a big dark blue hoodie that went till my mid-thighs. I wore the same colour beanie with bows on it. I left my hair open and pulled some strands on my chest.

I got out and went downstairs where everyone was chilling

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I got out and went downstairs where everyone was chilling.
"Girl you look adorable!"
"Thanks...." I mumbled while grabbing a snack from the kitchen.
I sat on the sofa in between Kirishima and Baka.
"Fucking piece of shit! Move!"
"No! I sat here. I'm staying. I stated while taking a bite out of my granola bar.
"Move." he shoved me making me shove him back.
"Ugh!" We started shoving each other then he shoved so hard that I fell off the couch.
"Ah!" I yelped and pulled him with me.
"Shit!" We both groaned on the floor.
He looked down at me and I stared at him.
I saw a little pink on his cheeks for some reason.
"Baka." I slapped his face and kicked him off, making him groan and roll over.

We hung out in the common room for a while till I figured out I had to go now.
I stood up and started walking towards the doors.
"Where are you going?"
"Out. I'll be back later." I waved and left the dorm building. 

I walked a few streets and then turned into this abandoned walkway.
I kept walking till I got to the meeting spot.
There were trees everywhere and no one can see anything from outside of this area.
"Touya!" I hugged my brother. 
"Misses you too kid." He rubbed my hair and hugged me back.
"Ok enough with this sappy shit." Shigiraki came through the portal now. And then Toga and some other villains.
"Alright. Got anything?"
"Not much. But there is the Sports Festival in a week. So yea." I shrugged.
".....What the fuck!? That's fucking it!?"
"Yea.....I didn't get anything else." I whispered while looking at them.
"I already know that! There's a Sports Festival every year! That's not useful!"
"Woah that's all she's got. What do you expect from her? Go ask them for information?"
"Shut up Dabi!"
"No! You can't talk to her like that!"
"You!" He pointed at me while glaring at me.
He came closer to me.
"Find useful information by the next meet-up....or else you'll regret it. I just need to touch you and you'll be erased from existence." He whispered threateningly.
I flinched back and Touya stood in front of me.
"Enough! She'll do whatever she can! Let's go kid. I'll walk you off." Touya turned me around and pushed me to walk while he walked behind me.

Shigiraki and I.......have a bad relationship. I'm not scared of any of the villains.....besides Shigiraki. 
He abuses me. I have so many scars from his abuse but I never told anyone.....I never told Touya. He thinks they're from training.
Every time Touya has to go on missions or anything Shigiraki thinks he has control over me and does whatever he wants to me. 
He would use his quirk and hurt me. Only to destroy a little of my skin 'cuz he says he will need me in the future. Whenever he makes me fight with one of the villains he would make them go harder on me to the point where I'm bleeding on the floor and crying and begging for them to stop. I act like I'm not scared in front of everyone but in reality, I'm shaking inside. 

"You ok?"
"Yea...sorry. That's all I found. I promise."
"I know. It's ok. Don't listen to him. Just do whatever you can. I got your back kid."
"Thanks, Touya."
"See ya." He ruffled my hair and pushed me forward.
I walked out of the abandoned walkway to bump into someone.
"Watch it!"
"What were you doing in there?"
"Uhh.....training," I answered while walking towards the dorm building.
"Really? You're not sweating or anything. You have nothing with you."
"I'm sure. See ya Todoroki." 
I could feel him staring at me while I walked into the dorm building.
I walked past everyone in the common room and straight to the elevator ignoring the squad call.
I got to my room and locked my door.
I shut my curtains and grabbed my headphones.
I got on my bed and put the volume to the highest and closed my eyes and listened to the playlist. 

Every time I'm upset or scared I listen to this and let my emotions out. 
I curled myself into a ball and let the tears I kept in ever since I got threatened by Shigiraki. I can't cry in front of other people. It's scary. They could use it as a weakness. 

"Maybe it's time to say goodbye......'cuz I'm getting pretty fucking tired," I mumbled. 
I had everything. I was free. I mean that's what people think. I don't have something. I just don't know what it is. I'm lonely. I have my bro but that's not enough.
"I got everything I wanted
Not what you'd think
And if I'm being honest
It might've been a nightmare
To anyone who might care"

And you say
"As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you
Don't wanna lie here, but you can learn to
If I could change the way that you see yourself
You wouldn't wonder why you hear
'They don't deserve you"
I wanted someone to say this to me and mean it and act upon it. Someone who would be there for me all the time and take all the bad things away. 

"OI! Dumbass! Open the fucking door!"
"Leave me alone Baka," I mumbled and closed my eyes again. 
"Open the fucking door before I break it myself!"
I turned off my headphones and wiped my face and tried making myself look natural.
I opened the door and there he stood.
"What do you want?" I mumbled while looking away.
"What's wrong with you? You just walked passed us even after the gang called for you. And now you're stuck in your room being depressed." He pushed past me and walked into my room.
"Open the fucking curtains!" He opened my curtains making me close my eyes from the brightness.
"Why are you listening to this shit?" He asked picking my phone up and looking at the playlist.
"No reason." I shrugged and took my phone away from him and turned it off.
"Let's go. Deku made lunch." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of my room.

"Ai Bakubro! You got her!"
"Yea......she was doing her fucking homework." He said making me look at him. He lied. That's nice. I wouldn't want everyone questioning why I was listening to depressing music. 
"Hey, guys! Lunch is ready!"
"It better be good Deku!" We all walked toward the table.
I watched everyone go to the table all laughing and talking making my lips pull up.
I look to the side to see Todoroki staring at me.
I stared back and then walked toward the group to grab my food. 


What do you think Todoroki is thinking?
What do you think Marinette is missing in her life?
Do you guys like how Dabi treats Marinette?
Comment and press the star!
Thank you!

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