Hard-On in the Middle of the Line

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After that ride, we played some games and won prizes.
We were walking around when I saw this game booth.
I walked towards it without telling my friends.
"Hi...." I mumbled.
"Hello dear! Would you like to play?"
"Yes please."
"Alright...You just got to hit all these bottles with the gun. If you hit all of them you can choose a prize from up here." She pointed to the top shelf where the big stuffed toys were. And I have my eyes on one. 
"Ok..." I gave her my money and she gave me a gun.
I aimed and got into a stance and bent down a bit and shot.

Bakugou's POV:
I can't believe that guy asked her out. She's mine. And she just had to wear that outfit. She looks so fucking hot in it. 
We played some games and were walking around.
"You wanna go on another ride?"
"Blueberry?" I looked to my side to see she wasn't there.
"What's wrong Bakugou?"
"She's missing!"
"Yes! She was right here!" 
"Spread out. And call if you find her." We all went to different areas. I went back from where we came from.
What if a villain got her? What if that boy found her? Oh shit...Ugh!
"Huh?" I looked to the side to see her playing a game.
"Fucking dumbass.." I muttered while rubbing my face.
"I found her." I texted the group.
I went toward her
"Oi! Dumbass!"
"Huh? Oh hey, Baka.." She mumbled while focusing.
"We were looking for you."
"You should've told me you were coming here."
"It's fine. I can take care of myself. Yes! I won!"
"Great job dear! What would you like?"
"That one please!" She pointed at this huge......Ground Zero stuffed toy!
"What!? Why that one?!"
"It's you!" She said while pushing it towards me.
"I know dumbass. But why you gotta get the toy?"
"It's fluffy...." She mumbled into the toy.
"Whatever...Let's go. I wanna go on this ride. It's the biggest one and everyone loves it." I said while pulling her hand with me. 

"Hey, girl! Where did you run off too?" Mina asked when we met up with them.
Marinette just showed her the prize making them all chuckle and smirk at me. 
"C'mon. I wanna go on this ride."
"Woah! That's like the scariest ride ever."
"I know.." I smirked.
"Let's go." I grabbed Marinette's hand and lead them towards the ride. 

Marinette's POV:
I had my stuffed toy in one hand while holding Baka's hand. 
We got in line for the ride he wanted to sit on. It was.....HUGE. Like it would take an hour or two. "Alright.....who's on for a game of rock paper scissors?" Kami said with a bored voice.
"Hehe..." I giggled. 
A few minutes later, we barely moved. We all got tired so some of us sat on the floor while the rest would sit on the railings. 
It was really loud. 
The line was moving so we all stood up and got excited and walked forward......only to walk a few steps and stop. 
"Ugh!" I groaned and leaned on the railing. 
"Oi. Move a bit." Baka came and sat down on the railing with his legs spread. He grabbed my arms and pulled me in between his legs and pushed his legs towards my waist. Since I was short. He had his arms across my chest and his chin on my head. 

"Ok girl spill."
"Hm?" I looked from playing with Baka's fingers around my chest.
"Who's your crush? Your love life? Any exes?"
"Yea! I wanna know too."
"Crush? You mean.....who I....crush?"
"......" They all stared at me. Even the people next to us who heard the question stared at me.
"What do you guys want?" I stared at the group of teenage girls beside us. They were all wearing crop tops and tight pants and wore makeup. 
They were constantly staring at us, more specifically the guys in our group. 
"Huh? Fuck off." I gave them the middle finger and they turned away.
"Wait...you mean you don't know what a crush is?"
"It's when you love someone."
"I love my brother? And maybe I love you guys. Maybe."
"No not that love. Ugh. Hold up! This Friday. Girl's night. I'll explain everything to you."
"Ok sure," I mumbled. 
The line moved on so Baka got off the railing and grabbed my belt hoops and pushed me forward.
"You seriously don't know what a fucking crush is?" He mumbled in my ear.
"Nope. What is it?" I mumbled while looking up at him.
"Nothing you need to worry about." 
We suddenly stopped making me bump into Kirishima.
"Shit.."  The people behind us bumped into Baka making him push into me. Somehow the line got packed and people were pushing making us get squished.
"Shit..." I heard Baka mumble and lean his forehead on my shoulder. His grip on me tightened. 
"Baka....?" I felt something hard behind me.
"Baka.....Move whatever that thing is."
"I can't just move it..." He muttered. He sounded like he was in pain. 
"Fine then..." I muttered and moved my hand back to grab whatever it was.
I grabbed it and it was hard and long.
"Why are you hiding whatever this is in your pants? You could've put it in my bag?"
I was going to pull it but Baka grabbed my wrist and pinned it against my stomach. 
"Just stop." He groaned.
"Pfft! Hahaha!" A group of guys beside us on the other side of the line started laughing.
"Oi sweetheart. You really that fucking innocent? That's cute. Your boyfriend must be really lucky. He could do anything to ya and you won't even know what's going on." He chuckled.
"Oi! Shut the fuck up!"
"Sorry man. I was just teasing." He put his hands in surrender and chuckled. 
"I would shut up if I were you," I said while crossing my arms.
"I could beat the shit out of you."
"Oh! I know you! I knew you looked familiar! Oi! Devan! It's Marinette. From the Sports Festival."
He chuckled and I saw one of his friends start blushing.
"He has a huge crush on you. Kept cheering for you and knew you would win. Huge fan of yours."
"Thanks. Want an autograph?"
"S-sure.." He muttered while turning bright pink.
I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer and wrote my signature on his shirt.
"There ya go! I gotta go now! See ya." I patted his shirt making him get even redder.
"Alright. I think that's enough. He might pass out soon." His friend said while pulling Devan away.
"C'mon.." Baka muttered while pushing me forward. 
"That was so cool Marinette! You have a number one fan."
"Yea...it's cool."
Slowly we got onto the ride and had lots of fun.
We screamed and laughed.
I held onto Baka tightly when we got to the drop.
"Hold on idiot!" He chuckled while holding onto my wrist. 
"Holy fuck!" We all screamed and posed for the camera.

"That was awesome!" I said once we got off. We went to the booth to see our photos.
"Look at us! Haha!" We all laughed. We all made funny poses.
Kaminari was clutching onto Sero's body screaming his head off. 
"Let's go." Everyone left but I went back to the counter.
"Hi....can I have a copy of our picture?"
"Of course!"
I got a copy in an envelope.
I went outside and opened it.
I stared at the picture with a sad smile. 
"Once they find out about you.....they'll KILL you."
I shook my head. 
"C'mon!" I saw my friends waving and smiling.
I smiled and put the picture in the envelope and my bag.
"I'm here!"
We all laughed and went for the next ride. 


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Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now