Homework and Make-Out Sesh

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(This is just some fluff and a small make-out sesh. Doesn't he look so fucking hot up there!!! UGHH!! Look at those abs!! Lol Enjoy!)

A few days passed and Katsu and I were studying for our exams.
There were 2 days left before the exams, we had the weekend left. 

"What Katsu?" I mumbled. 
"Are you done?" He mumbled while tapping me with his pencil.
"No. I'm stuck on this topic."
"Here. Let me help."

"Ok...I can't focus. It's too quiet." I pouted.
"So how do you usually study?"
"Music." I grinned and got my phone.

"Ok let's start!"

"Are you sure this is right Katsu?"
"Hah!? Are you questioning my teaching skills or something?"
"No no. I'm just asking dude."

"I think I got this question!"
"Good. 'Cuz I know my stuff. If you're not grasping what I'm telling you, it's not my fault is it?"

"How about this? Every question you get right...you get a reward."
"What kind of reward?"
"You'll just have to figure out Blueberry." he winked.

"Is this right?"
"Yea. Ready for your first reward?"
He leaned down and gave me a peck.
"Pft! You're blushing!"
"Am not!"
"Next question."

After studying and getting a few kisses and a few taps on my forehead we were finally done. 

"I'm bored.." I groaned.
"What do you want me to do?"
"I don't know! What do couples do?"
"Here." He sat up and grabbed me and made me sit on his lap making me straddle him.
"W-what are you d-doing?"
"Doing something that couples do."

"Huh?" He grabbed my neck and pulled me down and kissed me. 
It was a very slow sweet kiss that then turned into a fast hungry kiss.
His lips moved fast and roughly against mine. 
One hand was behind my neck making me stay and the other was behind my knee rubbing up and down the back of my thighs.
"Mm~" He groaned in my mouth when I pulled his hair.
He broke the kiss and pulled my hair to make me lift my head. He went and started kissing my neck.
"Mm~ Katsu~" I tugged at his harder feelings these weird tingles go across my body.
"You smell so fucking good~" He whispered against my neck then started licking a spot that made me feel so weird.
"Hah~ Katsu~"
He started sucking on it making me thrash around.
"Shh!" He sucked harder and held me down when I tried moving away.
"Katsu~ Feels too good!" This was all new to me. I never felt these weird feelings before.
After sucking for a while he kissed my neck and licked around for a while.

He pulled away after giving me one last kiss.
He sat back down against the bed and panted. 
I was panting and my hair was probably a mess. 
"How was it?"
I panted and laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his chest and back.
"It was amazing," I murmured. 
"That's good Blueberry." He chuckled and rubbed my hair.
"Get some rest. I'll wake you up for dinner."
"Ok.." I mumbled and fell asleep against his chest. 

"Blueberry. Blueberry. Oi! Wake up.."
"Hm?" I moved my head and turned it around and put it on his shoulder.
"No. Don't go back to sleep."
"Hmm." I yawned when he started rubbing my hair.
"Yea. You like that?"
"Yea? you're fucking adorable." he chuckled and rubbed the side of his face against my hair.
"I'm awake now."
"Are you?"
He chuckled and stood up with me in his arms.
"For what?"
He threw me on my bed making me shriek.
"There you are beautiful." He chuckled making me pout.
"Sorry...did you get hurt?" He questioned in a baby voice and climbed above me.
"I love you." he cooed.
"I love you too." He rubbed his nose with mine making me chuckle. 
"Ready for dinner?"
"Yes!" I pushed him off of me and ran out of my room.

"Catch me if you can Baka~" I teased and ran.
I pressed the button for the elevator.
"Come on come on."
"Once I get you, you're fucking dead!"
I saw him run around the corner and the elevator still didn't come.
"Fuck this!" As soon as I ran towards the stairs I heard the elevator open.
I ran down the steps and ran past the elevator as soon as it opened with Katsu in it.
"Got you-"
"Nope!" I dodged his arms and ran into the common room.
I ran to the sofa. And he was on the other side.
I was about to run around it but he grabbed me from on the sofa and pulled me on the sofa. 

"Now I'm going to kill you!" He instantly started tickling me. 
"Hahaha! Katsu! Stop! Please! Bahaha!"
"Say sorry!"
"No! Hahaha! Let me go!"
"Say sorry!"
"S-sorry! Sorry! Please! I'm going to be sick!" He finally stopped and we were both panting.
He leaned down and pecked my lips.
"I love you." He whispered against my lips.
"I love you too."
"Holy shit!"
We both turned our heads and looked to the side to see our whole class staring at us. The squad had huge smiles but the rest were shocked.
"You guys are adorable!" The girls squealed.
"Ah shut the fuck up." Katsu groaned and sat up ruffling his hair. 
"He's back." Everyone groaned.
I giggled and kissed Katsu's cheek.

"What's for dinner?"
"Mina messed up dinner!"
"So we ordered pizza!"
"It's not my fault!"
"It is!"

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now