Mean Momo and Jealous Marinette

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It was finally Monday.
The weekend passed by really quickly.
Katsu and I had an amazing time. After the nap we took, he helped me finish packing and we hung out with the squad.

"Marinette! Let's go!"
"Coming!" I quickly tied my hair into its pigtails and grabbed my duffel bag off the floor.
I saw the tracking device on my bed.
I stared at it and picked it up.
Should I put it on?
I have to.
But then my friends will be hurt.
I'll be killed though.
I'll lose all my friends.
But I-
"Marinette! Let's fucking go! Aizawa is going to rip our heads off!"
"Coming!" I quickly clipped it onto my bag and ran down to the common room.
"Here. I have your breakfast with me. We gotta go or they'll leave us."
"Sorry." We ran to U.A seeing the bus with the students already in the line.
"There you two are. I thought we were going to have to leave without you two."
"Sorry, Mr. Aizawa."
"Whatever. Throw your bags into the compartment." I threw my duffle bag into its spot and Katsu did too.
"Alright. Line up!" We all lined up and Mr. Aizawa checked their names off and let them in.

"Here. Sit with me." Katsu pulled me with him and made us sit at the back.
"Hey, girl. How come you were so late?" Mina asked from in front of us.
"I woke up kind of late. I was really tired last night."
"I could tell. What did you do?" Katsu chuckled beside me making me blush. 
"Nothing. Where's my breakfast?"
"Here." Katsu gave me a container with sushi, my favourite.
I ate them happily while looking out the window. 

"Hm?" I hummed while looking out the window while leaning my face on it.
I felt Katsu lean his head on my shoulder. 
"You sleepy?" he mumbled.
"Hm." I could feel my eyes slowly drooping down.
"Here." he put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me to lay on his chest.
He wrapped his arm tighter around me and pecked my forehead. 
"I love you, Katsu," I whispered to him.
"I know, babe."
"I'm serious. I do love you. Remember that. I know I'm not good with all this emotion and relationship stuff and I'm less experienced but just know that I love you."
"Hey hey, what's wrong?" He whispered leaning down so we can stare at each other.
"I love you too beautiful. But if you have to tell me something, tell me, ok?"
"I know." I pecked his lips and rested my head back on his chest and closed my eyes listening to his heartbeat.
"I love you too." I heard him whisper while rubbing my arm and back.

"Can you shut the fuck up!? She's going to wake up!"
"I'm sorry sheesh!"
"Where are we?" I asked looking around. We were on a campsite. There were trees everywhere.
"Ugh! Thanks, Pinky!"
"You're welcome!" She giggled.
"Katsu...Let me go." I got down and stretched. 
"Here." He gave me my duffle bag.
"Thanks. Where are we sleeping?
"C'mon! We got such a nice room!"
"Bye Katsu!"
"See ya!"

Mina showed me the girl's room.
It was pretty big and clean.
We all had to sleep in sleeping bags.
I set my stuff in the corner while all the girls talked.
I wasn't that close with the other girls.
I'm always with Mina or with the boys. The boys of the class are way more fun to hang out with. 

"I hope the same thing doesn't happen like last time," Momo said.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You don't know?" All the girls looked at me.
"Oh. I thought since Bakugou's dating you he would've told you. I guess he doesn't trust you yet." She scoffed.
"You got something to say?" I glared at her.
"Uhh, Momo! Stop it!" Mina said.
"No no. Let her say whatever she wants to say. Tell me."
"I come out of nowhere and act all big and show off your skills. No one knows anything about you or your past. And then you beat the best boys at the Sports Festival. Your powers upgraded. You then beat Endeavor. Started dating Bakugou. He hates everyone and always wanted to be number one. And now he's dating you. I mean why you? You're nothing special."
"Why you!"
"Marinette!" Mina grabbed my arms and tried keeping me back.
"He could do much better. Camie was good too. Oh! And Ochaco. Y'know? They had a little thing before." She smirked.
"Momo!" Ochaco shrieked while blushing. 
"Say one more fucking thing and I'll fucking blood bend you until you can't take it anymore! Fucking bitch!" I shoved Mina's hands off of me and walked out of the cabin, slamming the doors shut.

I walked into the forest. My hands were in tight fists and I was glaring at everything.
"Ba-"I grabbed the arm that was about to touch me and flipped them over hard making my body jump up a bit.
"Fuck!" he groaned.
I still held his arm and I was leaning down panting.
"Ba-Why are you crying?" I realized my tears were falling down my face and onto his face.
"Baby." he sat up slowly and pulled me down onto his lap.
My legs were around his waist and my arms were around his neck and my face was in his neck.
"It's ok. I got you. I love you so much. Everything's going to be ok." He whispered in my ear while rocking back and forth.
I was crying. Sobbing. All the tension. Shigiraki. The fight. The betrayal. Hurt. Momo. 

A little while later, I calmed down.
"You ok-" I punched him in the face making me fall on his back.
"Fuck! Why the fuck are you fucking punching me?"
"I hate you!"
"Why the fuck do you hate me? Is it because of what Ponytail said?" He asked while staring up at me.
"How do you know?" I crossed my arms and pouted.
"Pinky called me and told me you ran off and told me what happened."
"Go on. Ask away."
"I know you want to ask me something." He chuckled.

"What happened last year?"
"We went to a training camp after exams. We trained every day trying to improve our quirks. One night, we were playing this game, something called courage something. So we walked in and while we were in the League attacked. I got kidnaped. I was so fucking scared. I acted brave and shit but deep down I was freaking out. I thought I would never be able to see the rest again. They said that I'm like a villain. Like them. No one going to save me. Why would they want a villain? They said to join them. I didn't. I stayed strong. They tortured me. Then I got out and All might saved me. But then the moment I got saved. All might be saying how I was so brave and shit...and then a portal came and I got sucked in again and All might couldn't do anything. I got saved later on. But...All Might lost his powers. Became too weak to be a hero. I thought it was my fault. If I wasn't so weak...if I never got kidnapped....none of that would have happened...."
"Katsu...It wasn't your fault."
"I know...but it still haunts me. I get nightmares and freak out in small spaces. If my hands are locked I freak out. If something covers my nose and mouth, I freak out. I need to be in control of my body. "
"Katsu.." I hugged him tightly.
"I'm fine now, beautiful." He whispered while rubbing my back.
"That's good. But if you ever feel like that again tell me! I want to help."
"Ask me the next question." he chuckled again making me blush.
"Who's Camie? And...did you and Ochaco date before?"
"Camie is a girl who had to take the redo test for our hero license. She and another guy and me and Icy hot. She was cool yea. Sassy and shit. But she liked the attention of every guy. So yea."
"And Round Face and I never had a relationship before. She had a crush on me because I respected her from the Sports festival. And people thought I liked her. But I only love one girl."
"I love you, y'know?"
"I love you too." I smiled at him.
He leaned down and kissed my lips.
"My jealous baby," he whispered.
"I wasn't jealous."
"Sure you weren't." He chuckled and pushed me down and started tickling me.


Sorry to everyone who likes Momo and Ochaco and Camie!
I hope you enjoyed!
The story is coming to an end and since I wrote all the chapters already I'll start posting on weekends too. And maybe more then one chapters everyday. Thank you!

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