Big Family

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We were walking around looking for more things to do.
"Which ride next guys?"
"Hmmm.....maybe...." We all stopped to look in our maps for rides.
"How about-"
"Shit!" I cursed when I got hit and crashed a game booth. 
I opened my eyes and rubbed my head. 
I stood up and ran up to my friends. 
In front of us was the League.
"You ok girl?"
"Yea.." I mumbled while wiping the blood dripping down my face from a cut on the side of my head. 
"Heroes. It's a pleasure to meet you guys." Shigiraki smirked. 
I saw Touya look at me with a small smile but looked back at the others. 
"What the fuck are you fucking villains doing here?" Baka shouted getting ready to fight if needed. 
"We're just here to destroy you guys." Shigiraki grinned then made them attack.
As soon as my friends defended themselves, I got a text.
Bring out Sabre
They wanted me to run away and come back as Sabre. 
I ran away and hid behind a booth.
I found a bag there with my villain's name. I opened it, and it had my villain outfit inside. 

I quickly wore it and covered my face with the hood making a shadow across my face

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I quickly wore it and covered my face with the hood making a shadow across my face.
I grabbed my swords and went to join the fight. 
I tried my best not to fight them or hurt them less.
"Guys! Marinette's missing!" I heard Mina scream.
"Shit! The League probably took her!"
"Fuck! What the fuck did you do to her!?"
"Bakugou! Leave them! We gotta find Marinette!"
".....fine!" he spat and they all ran off to find me.
"I need to go."
"Remember're one of us.....they're not your friends," Shigiraki said.
I just stared and then ran off to change.

Once I changed, I ran to look for them.
"Oi!" I turned around only to get crushed into a chest.
"Fuck! I thought I lost you! I thought the villains got you!"
"I'm fine....just a villain ran off so I went to catch him." I patted his back.
" sure?"
"Yep." He touched the cut on the side of my head.
"Marinette!" I got tackled in a hug.
"I think that's enough fun for today. We have classes tomorrow."
"Yea....let's go home, guys," Mina said.
I walked behind them.
"Yea...let's go home.." I mumbled. 

Once we all got back to the dorms, we all took showers and changed into comfy clothes for the rest of the day. 

I wore a white tank top with a cropped sweater and a white shirt. 

I went to my room and taped my photo on my billboard

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I went to my room and taped my photo on my billboard.
I ran my finger over it and smiled gently.
I sighed and went downstairs.
"Girl! It's your turn to make dinner!"
I went to the kitchen and leaned against the counter.
"You need help?" Baka asked coming in wearing a black shirt with a skull....the same one I wore when I got hurt. And he wore black pants.
"Yea...I know how to cook a little but I'm not that good."
"Come. What do you think of making?"
"....Maybe curry?"
"Ok. Let's go." 
(So...I don't know how to cook.....or make curry lol. So let's go!)

"Cut the onions while I do the chicken."
"Ok..." I mumbled while holding the knife and cutting the onions.
" this." Baka came and stood behind me and put his arms around me and held the knife up the top of my hand and guided my hand. 
I could feel his chest behind my back and his warm minty breath on my ear.
"You got it?"
"Huh? What?" I mumbled. 
He chuckled.
"I'm gonna finish the chicken. Finish the onions."
"Ok.." I mumbled and he patted my hands then left. 
"Ok....put this in that pot."
"Yep." I mumbled while putting the onions in the pot.
"Who the fuck put the peppers in the fucking freezer?"
I looked at Baka to see him holding the bag with peppers. But they had ice on them from the freezer.
"Here." I got them and used my quirk and made the ice turn into water, falling onto the floor.
"You could've done it over the sink."
"Shut up." I mumbled while lifting the water with my quirk and throwing it into the sink. 
"Cut these peppers." He gave me some peppers and I started cutting them.
I was lost in my mind and came back when I felt pain on my finger.
"Shit." I cursed and hissed.
"What's wrong?" Baka came and stood in front of me.
"I cut myself." I mumbled while looking at the blood coming out of my cut.
"It's fine." I said.
"Here." He grabbed my finger gently and stared at me while lifting it and putting it in his mouth.
I gasped lightly and felt my face heat up.
I felt his tongue rub my cut and go over the top of my finger.
He was just staring at me so deeply. 
"There.." He mumbled and took my finger out of his mouth.
"Does it feel better?"
"Here....I'll finish this." He said while pushing me with his hip and taking my spot and cutting the peppers. 
I just stood there staring at my finger. It was glistening with saliva. There wasn't saliva on it but it was shiny. With his saliva. What is wrong with me?
"Oi!" I felt something in my mouth.
Baka shoved chopsticks in my mouth and fed me a little curry. 
"You like?"
"Hmm." I nodded while chewing. 
"I think it's ready. C'mon. Help me set the table."
 I set the plates and cups. I made sure everyone had chopsticks and napkins. 
Baka brought one big bowl of curry and I brought another big bowl of curry and we put them on both sides of the table.
"Dinner's ready guys!"
"Coming!" Everyone slowly came and washed their hands and sat down to eat. 
We all sat down on our seats.
"Itadakimasu." We all said and started eating. 
"Girl this is delicious!"
"Thanks...Baka helped me."
"Who's ready for classes tomorrow?" Someone asked.
"Totally not ready for exams. I'm pretty sure they're coming up soon!"
"Bakubro! You're going to help me study right?"
"Yea Shittyhair. Obviously." Baka said while leaning back in his seat and draping his arm behind me on my seat lightly playing with my hair in my pigtails. 
"I love this life.."
"Really Kami? I thought you would've hated it."
"Nah. You guys are amazing. I love this. How we study together, eat together, sleep together, wake up together, and get in trouble together. I love this. Like one big family."
"Aww Kami!" Momo started tearing up. 
I stared at everyone.
A big family.
Would he still think that once they find out I'm a villain?
I love this feeling.
I love waking up with them and going sleep with them.
I love the Bakusquad.
" ok?" He whispered in my ear.
"Yea....perfectly fine." I smiled real big and continued eating.
"Whatever idiot." He patted my head then continued eating while laughing with Kiri. 
A big family.
Yea....I like this.

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now