Marinette on Bed Rest

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Katsu brought me to his room.
"Why am I in your room?" I asked as he put me down on his bed.
"So I can take care of you here except for going to your room and back here."
"What about my clothes?"
"You could use my clothes."
"Don't worry. I'll take care of you!" he kissed my cheek.
"I'll grab you a shirt to change in." He kissed my temple and then went to his closet looking for a shirt. 
"Here ya go! Can I help you change?"
"Yea sure." 
He lifted my arms gently and took them out of the big t-shirt that I was wearing from Recovery's room. 
I just had a bra on but he didn't once look away from my face.
"And there. You feeling better princess?"
"Yea...I love your clothes. They're so warm and cozy.
"Whatever." he chuckled.
"C'mon. Let's get some rest.
"But I'm not tired. I slept for so long."
"Wanna watch a movie then?"
"Ok." He brought his laptop and sat in bed with me.
He made sure I was covered with the blanket then he set the laptop on his lap then we started watching a simple movie. 

Bakugou's POV:
I felt Marinette drop her head on my arm and fall asleep.
I turned off my laptop and put it on the side.
I turned around and made her lie down on the pillow.
I slowly crawled out of my bed and left my room.

"Hey, Bakubro! How's Marinette?"
"She's fine. Just sleeping again. I made her fall asleep. Stubborn ass." I chuckled. 
"I'm going to make dinner tonight."
"Don't make any noise on this floor! I don't want her fucking waking up."
"Alright alright."
I went to the common room and sat on the sofa.
I looked through my phone for a recipe for something nice and simple while also being full of nutrients and tasting nice. 

After finding a good recipe, I went to buy the ingredients. 
I went to the stores and found everything I needed. 
I was then passing by a jewelry store when I saw something I immediately wanted.
" much is for that?" 

After buying the jewelry and getting it wrapped, I went back to the dorms. 
"I know right? And then I went bang! And then-"
"Oi! What the fuck are you doing out of bed!?" I stormed up to the sofa where Marinette was sitting.
"I woke up. And I was bored." She shrugged.
"Who helped you down?"
"I came down myself." She shrugged again.
"What!? You're not supposed to be walking ya baka!"
"I'm fine."
"Did you eat something?" I asked while going through one of the cupboards in the kitchen.
"Ate a snack."
"Alright. Here. Take some medicine. I'm making dinner tonight, and you'll like it, ok?"
"Ok." She smiled at me.
I grabbed the little bottle and a spoon and filled it with the medicine.
"It tastes bad."
"I don't care. You need to drink it."
"Here." I grabbed her chin and forced her to drink it.
"Agh! I'm going to throw up." She started gagging.
"Idiot! Don't do that!" I slapped the back of her head.
"Ow.." She pouted while rubbing the back of her head.
I leaned down and kissed her forehead and rubbed the back of her head.
"I love you," I mumbled.
"I love you too." She smiled up at me with those huge bluebell eyes.
I chuckled and patted her head then went back to the kitchen to unpack all the groceries. 

A few hours later, I finally finished dinner.
I set the tables and dishes and went to call everyone.
"Oi! Dumbasses! Dinners ready!"
Everyone ran to the table and sat on their seats waiting for Marinette and me.
"Oi...Blueberry." I went to her and shook her a bit. She fell asleep a little while ago on the sofa.
"No. Not hungry." She mumbled and turned around.
"C'mon beautiful. You gotta eat. I made it specifically for you." I cooed and moved her hair out of her face.
"C'mon.." I mumbled and kissed her forehead.
"Fine.." She sat up and yawned while stretching her arms above her head.
The shirt she was still wearing went up a bit showing her stomach that had abs and a few scars. 
I lifted her from her elbows making her squeal.
"You're my baby." I cooed.
"No, I'm not. Let me go!" I chuckled and put her down.
"Let's go." We both went and took our seats at the table with everyone.
"Itadakimasu." We all said together and grabbed our chopsticks and ate.

Marinette's POV:
"Wow...Katsu.." I finished chewing my food.
"This is delicious!"
"Thanks, princess." He patted my head.

After dinner, we all helped clean up.
Well...I couldn't do much since Katsu didn't want me to do anything. 
After we all decided to stay up and watch movies since exams are over.

Everyone was screaming genres.
"What!?" We all turned towards Katsu.
"Romance. Everyone would like it. No girl squealing about blood and no boys complaining about the girls. Simple." He said then uncrossed his arms and put one over my shoulder.
"Fine." Everyone found a spot and sat down with blankets.
Katsu and I were sitting on one of the single chairs, but it was big enough for both of us to sit. And half of my body was on his.

We turned off the lights and started the romance movie everyone agreed on.
I cuddled into Katsu's chest and held onto the arm that was around my shoulder caging me in.
"The only reason I agreed on this is that I know you don't like horror," Katsu whispered to me.
"Thank you." I kissed his chin.
"Give me a real kiss?"
I giggled lightly and leaned up a bit and pecked his lips.
"What?" I giggled again when he pouted. 
"Proper Blueberry." He leaned down more and I met him in the middle and gave him a proper kiss.
He grabbed my chin and turned my face a bit to deepen the kiss.
"Mmm~" I moaned lightly when he sucked on my tongue.
"Let's go to bed?"
"Mhm." I nodded. 
He got up and lifted me in his arms bridal style making me blush.
"We're going to bed."
"Good night!"

We got to Katsu's room, and Katsu put me on his bed gently.
I pulled him by the collar of his shirt.
His lips came on mine making me open my mouth for his tongue and to get that amazing feeling again.
"Mm~" Katsu moaned and pushed me up the bed more and laid in between my legs.
My hands were still on his collar pulling and his hand was grasping my hair and the other was on my waist.
"Katsu.." I whimpered when he bit my lip pulling back.
"You're hurt.." he panted.
"No...I'm fine...Please~" I tugged at his collar. 
"Fuck..." He muttered and stared at me.
"Please Katsu.." I pouted at him showing my puppy eyes.
"Blueberry.." he groaned.
"Fuck it." He came back down and kissed me roughly.
"Fuck~" He pulled my hair lifted my head and kissed down my chin and neck. 
He found my sweet spot and sucked on it making me gasp and let out a moan.
I tugged at his hair making him groan.
He sucked a bit more than leaned up and kissed my lips one more time. 
"I love you." He whispered while putting his forehead on mine.
"I love you too." he stared into my eyes then pecked my lips.
"Let's get some rest Blueberry." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.
He pulled the blanket around us and kissed my forehead.
"Good night."


Ok so listen. I HATE it when ppl ship Bakugou with Ochaco or....camie. I HATE IT!!!!
The only girl I ship Bakugou with is Marinette or else I ship him with Deku and Kiri. 
I hate it when he's shipped with those girls. Ugh!
Lol...Anyways doesn't the pic below look so damn hot! Ugh! Lol
You guys must think I'm weird. anyways. Enjoy!!! Comment!

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Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now