Quirk Marriage

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We all went inside the school to rest and drink water.
I was going to the bathroom when I got pulled into a dark hallway. 
I instantly wrapped my feet around that arm, flipped the body over, and pinned them down.
"Who the fuck are you?" I growled while putting pressure on their neck.
"It's me. Endeavour."
"Oh." I spat out and stood back up not even helping him. 
"What do you want? If you don't start talking I'll tell the teachers you grabbed an innocent student!"
"Feisty...I see."
"What?" I growled and crossed my arms across my chest.
"I saw you during the games."
"Ok. Totally not creepy, man." I rolled my eyes.
"You and my Shoto have something going on."
"So what?"
"You hate him. And he hates you. You both have a rivalry going on."
"Ooh! I totally did not know that." I scoffed.
"Look. I don't have much time and I need my break so I could defeat YOUR Shoto. And show him who's the fucking boss!"
"I want you to do me a favour."
He leaned down to my height and stared deeply into my eyes.
Very familiar-looking eyes. 
"I want you to go into a quirk marriage with Shoto. With your quirk and his two quirks, you both could make a good child with amazing powers!"
"....WHAT!? I just told you how we hate each other and you want us to get married!? Do you know who the fuck I am!?" I was about to charge at him when I felt arms wrapped around my waist and I got lifted off the ground. 
"Let me the fuck go!"
"Marinette! Stop fucking fighting!"
"We're gonna go now." He spat at him and walked away making me glare at Endeavor. I stared at those eyes. Those very familiar eyes I've complimented so many times but to someone else. 

"What is your problem!?" Baka asked while putting me down, but he kept his arms around me.
"Nothing. What were you even doing there?"
"I was walking by and saw you about to punch him. He's a pro! If you get on his bad side no one would want to keep you under their wing!"
"You don't know what he said. Forget it."
"So basically last year we girls got tricked into wearing cheerleading outfits but this time we want to do it so come on! And why are your arms around her waist Bakugou?"
".....?" I stared at his arms and slowly pulled them off of me.
I could have sworn I saw the disappointment in his eyes but I brushed it off.
"So c'mon! We have to change!" Mina dragged me away.

Bakugou's POV:

"What the fuck?" I whispered while listening to what Endeavor was telling Marinette. Quirk marriage? With Icyhot? They hate each other. 
Is that the only reason why I don't like this? Of course not. I don't want her marrying him! She's mine! What? Holy shit.......Did I just claim her?  I like that though. I like knowing she's mine. What is wrong with me?

After grabbing her before she could punch the shit out of him, I took her somewhere else.
I loved having her in my arms. it feels like she belongs in my arms. Ugh. But why?

After Mina came and asked why my arms were around her and after Marinette removed them I felt disappointed. 
Whatever. I let her go with Mina and I walked away. 
"I see you're close with Marinette as well."
"Listen! Icy hot and Marinette aint close! They're rivals! And she's not marrying him!"
"I see you've heard."
"Yes! Now leave her the fuck alone! Or else I'll fucking kill you! I don't care about you! I could tell the teachers you grabbed her! And I'm pretty sure no one would like that! Mr. Aizawa even likes her! He will be pissed when he figures out you grabbed his favourite student!"
I walked away and went outside to see the most terrible but at the same time amazing sight ever.
Marinette. In a cheer outfit. 
All the girls were wearing cheer outfits and doing cheers. 
The cheer outfit was orange white and green. 
She wore a top that was a little under her breasts and a skirt under her belly button that went mid-thighs. She put her hair in a ponytail. 
She looked so fucking hot. And my little friend thinks the same thing. Ugh. Shit. 

"Hey, Bakubro! Don't our girls look awesome!""Heck yea they do!""We should hype them up! Marinette and Jirou don't look too well

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"Hey, Bakubro! Don't our girls look awesome!"
"Heck yea they do!"
"We should hype them up! Marinette and Jirou don't look too well."
"Go, girls! Go, Mari! Jirou!"
"You girls look awesome! Show them who's boss!"
We had the real cheerleaders here as well but they don't look half as good as my girl. My girl. She's my girl. I'm gonna make her my girl. 

Marinette smiled and waved at us and started jumping and cheering with the other girls.
"No! Fuck no!" I groaned. her skirt was coming up and her boobs. Ugh! Everyone could see everything.
I took off my gym jacket and walked toward Marinette while trying to cover my pants.
"Hey, Baka." 
"Here." I threw it around her shoulder and zipped it up to cover everything.
"Hey! Take it off!" She was struggling.
After getting it zipped I looked at her.
She looked beautiful with my clothes on her. It was way bigger than her. Going till her knees. 
"What was that for?" She whined.
"Shut up and wear it." I ruffled her hair making her bangs cover her eyes.
"Hey!" She swatted my hand away and fixed her hair. 
"Hey man! Leave her alone! We liked the view!" Some guy said with his friends nodding. I could see print in their gym pants making me get even madder.
"C'mon!" I grabbed her hand and interlaced our fingers and pulled her to the inside of the school. 
"What's your problem!? Hey! You're hurting me!" I pulled her to the boy's locker room and locked the doors.
"What the heck!?" She pulled her hand out of my hold and rubbed her fingers.
"Sorry..." I muttered while taking her hand and rubbing her fingers for her.
"What happened? Why'd you pull me here?"
"All the guys were staring at you."
"I didn't like it...." I mumbled.
"So? What am I supposed to do about that?"
"They were staring at your boobs and pussy and ass! I don't like that! They fucking got hard because of it!"
"....You don't know what that means?"
"Nope." She shrugged. Huh? Her bro probably protected her from this stuff.
"Whatever. Just stay in here with me till it's game time."

We stayed in the locker room for a while till we heard them calling all of us.
"Here. Your jacket. I'm gonna change."
"I'll wait here." She changed in the locker room while I waited behind the door. 

We got outside and we all looked at the screen with the contestants and their opponents. 

I was versing Denki

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I was versing Denki. 
"Alright students! First round get to your rooms! The rest get to the stands!"
"Good luck Deku!"

Bakugou x Villain MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now