Chapter 2

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Zayn's POV:

"You won't get everything you desire Marco...." he looked straight into my eyes. "You need to start fighting for what you want than fooling around people..." Marco pats my face and I turned it away from him. He smirked and walked away from the breakfast table, "Honey.... calm down he's provoking you to do something wrong so that he can use it against you..." my mother tapped my shoulder with a concerned look.

Marco is my brother but a pure devil he took away everything from me. My father helped him get things that were my birthright to have. He has canceled my cards with the excuse that I spent a lot on useless things. Nicolas, my father just wants me to leave the house and let them live in peace but I won't till I get what was always mine.

Maya and I dated each other for a pretty long time and it is stressful because I have to handle work, personal life, and family issues, and then her. She loves me so do I but life isn't fair to me. I had some work in LA so I decided to show up at her apartment or else she will be mad at me if she got to know that I didn't come to visit her. Mia... her friend called me to invest money in her new project. She's expanding her business and needs investors but I'm stuck with my financial problems which makes it hard or I could have charmed her.

Money is something I need in my life right now more than anything. It's not like I won't need money after that in my life for now I have to give priority to my career more than my love life because without it she won't be with me and run away with some other rich dude. Braxton my best buddy walked inside my room and saw me collecting my things. I couldn't breathe the same air as Marco because he boss around me like he owns the world he sort of does but I couldn't tolerate his shitty behavior towards me.

Maya called me before so maybe I will be living with her for a few days, and she would be happy. "Where are you leaving?" Braxton asked walking close to me. "To live with my girlfriend..." he scoffs "Seriously with that shady princess you have kept hidden for like years. Is she that special because as far as I know you still sleep around with many girls?" sitting on the edge of the bed I tied my laces and replied, "I don't have an option that princess has more money than me right now...".

Braxton passed me my wallet, "What about our plan to kill Marco?" I smirked, "Do you think we can touch him till he has his bodyguards surrounding him everywhere he goes? Just wait for some time as much as I know him, he surely will make the mistake to remove his guards. We will use that as our opportunity but till then we need some rival gangs or mafia leaders to support me. I don't have access to anything right now so before he gets the idea to kill me it is better to be grounded for some time collecting bits for war." he nodded and gave me a manly hug.

I couldn't let Maya be exposed to my mafia lifestyle or she will be a good target for Marco. Maya and I used to study at the same university, she had an abusive father because of that she was bullied by other plastic girls. We got close to each other and I felt pity for her so I made her join one of our mafia fighting camps and told her that they were self-defense classes that would help her to defend against her father's attacks. Her father was a drug dealer so it was of no use to file a case against him or let the cops know about his behavior.

We spent years together but soon I realized that it wasn't love that drag me towards her, it was pity. But I can't just break up with her because she loves me just too much, I do sleep around with other girls but never felt anything towards anyone. According to my current broke situation, I need Maya's money more than her so I need to keep up with her. As time goes on, I will decide whether I love her or if I should end this relationship.


Short chapter I know but it was needed for the further plot.....

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