Chapter 18

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Marco's POV: (two weeks ago)

Lucas and Maya were ranting in my office because of the mess they have created while working.

Lucas: "So what do we do now?"

Maya: "This was your idea, you solve it!"

Lucas: "No way I only come up with the ideas!"

Maya: "You are an ass... fuck off and let me work..."

A few minutes later, Lucas began to irritate her again she was pissed off "I told you not to do that....." she took a seat near me avoiding him.

Lucas: "Are you mad at me? You look mad"

Maya: "I'm not mad."

Lucas: "Your face is screwed up like you're mad."

Maya: "I'm perturbed, not mad."

A few minutes of silence was there in the room, I looked at Maya, she indulges herself in work.

Lucas: "You still look mad."

Maya: "I'M WAS NOT MAD....... BUT NOW I'M......" she threw her heels towards him he ducked to avoid it. It made me smile to avoid further war, I dragged Maya's chair towards me and gave Lucas a look he went back on his chair.

She smiled at me her smile was priceless it made me smile too. Lucas cleared his throat she rolled her eyes at him and asked about my opinion on her ideas.

She stood next to me showing something on her iPad, I looked down but her intoxicating smell and perfect lips were distracting me. I nodded at her ideas she was working hard and was dedicated to her work.

Calla barged into my office wearing a hideous outfit she made a disgusting face looking at Maya. "What are you doing here?" she asked Maya

Maya: "Turning oxygen into carbon dioxide"

Calla: "What does that mean?"

Maya: "Wow, you're even dumber than you look."

Calla: "Anyways I'm here for my baby...." She sat on my lap and started grinding on me I was feeling disgusted by her smell. Maya took a look at me, Calla was making me embarrassed, I looked at Lucas for help.

Lucas: "Calla... what made you petty girl come here during working hours?"

Calla: "I know I'm looking pretty today, it's just...."

Maya: "He said petty..." she was looking down at her iPad, Lucas laughed out his soul, and it made me also chuckle.

Calla stood up from my lap and watched all of us laughing then glared at Maya standing in front of her.

Maya: "What.... you want me to throw a stick, then you'll leave?"

Calla left the office slamming the door. We were all laughing at her sarcasm Lucas gave her a high-five she turned to look at me. I lost my control and kissed her cheeks she looked at me amused Lucas made an 'o' of his mouth. Her cheek turns red she moved out shyly.

After dinner, I was organizing the files in my office I have asked her many times why she agreed on marrying my father. But she never gave a response it was irritating me. She was 40% shareholder and I was 20% if she will be selected it will be easy for me to work but she will be the one dominating which can affect my position in the mafia also.

Maya has changed the security pattern that has prevented many thefts these days increasing the export rate.

Calla came into my office I was tired and not ready for her another tantrum so I simply said: "Calla I'm tired..."

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