Chapter 35

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Maya's POV:

Lucas helped to get up promptly I felt dizziness and stumbled, putting me still he passed me a glass of water. Gulping I interrogated "How could this happen? Get every detail and report me back" holding my head I walked inside the bathroom.

Washing my face, I look like a tomato because of the chilled water which made me a little sober to handle the situation. I took some pills and walked inside Marco's office Amara was on his lap and he was comforting her. Not a good view.

"Maya.... They took Bella..." Amara turned to me with tears in her eyes snorting. Marco observed my tipsy movements "What exactly happened Amanda? Can you explain?" I questioned her. "It's Amara..." she replied between her sobs. "Look I don't care... now can you please stop making that sound and explain things properly before I use some of these..." Her snorting noise was making me stick to my stomach. To drag her attention I threw a knife in her direction missing it closely.

Trembling in fear she explained the situation "WHAT THE FUCK? So, you FLEE with your fucking ASS, at least you could have followed her car and called any one of us.... You left her to save yourself... are you fucking serious?" growling in anger I hit Marco's desk.

She trembled in fear and started crying "SHUT UP YOU CUNT!" I yelled at her, she did shut up. Marco opened his laptop opening the confidential security system in front of her, no wait he did it? In front of her? "Marco you shouldn't open confidential documents in front of her..." I requested.

"C'mon Maya get back in your sense she isn't even from any rival mafia what will she do with it?" Marco replied carelessly. "You are over-trusting her and her father is in the mafia if you remember..." shrugging my shoulders I stared at them. "Look Maya, I don't have time to deal with your jealous ass so better get back working and find my sister as well as who took her" He spills some venom.

Aiden entered the office did a little bow in front of Marco and passed me a microchip "It has everything you asked". He is the best in his work I asked Marco for the main computer he agreed Aiden passed me a chair comfortable and helped me connect devices.

They circled me I turned my chair to Amara and shooed her "Fly away little bird...". She left the office and I turned back to the system. After a few minutes, I found the video of the parking lot and the departure of the cars through different routes.

"So, it looks like someone informed them about us and waited for me to leave. And the most amazing thing..." I swirled the chair facing Marco twitching my eyebrows "They knew the number of guards around her. Because I increased the security around her when I left and they came prepared accordingly..."

Marco sighed "Maya she isn't like that and why will she do that? she was also present at the mall. You don't like her I understand but-" I shut him up and replied, "I don't have time to deal with your over-protective ass so better shut up...."

Calling Lucas, I asked about the ground situation he tracked the car and it was found inside an empty warehouse. Marco got a video on his phone he played it the voice blasted in the room. His brows furrowed I peeped on the screen of his phone "Zayn..."

The video started with a smiling face of Zayn "Hello brother... You shouldn't have left your lovely sister alone. Maya, you are smart but not enough to save everyone see what happened in your absence...." He turned the camera towards an unconscious Bella.

Bella looked pale I saw her fighting with them alone. "... For your little sister, you can give your precious thing. So, I simply want you to sign the agreement for 'Transfer of rights' of your leadership and...... that pretty face, Maya...." A malicious grin formed his face he added ".... So, hurry up" the video paused because Marco tossed his phone on the ground breaking it into pieces.

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