Chapter 26

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Maya's POV:

Ivan is back from America and what a surprise he wants to meet me. That makes my plan easier but I have to work cautiously or it will end my or Nikolai's death. My body is feeling better when Ivan left Nikolai gave me a good cure, doctors, and no torture so I'm in better condition.

"You ready, I need to handcuff you..." Nikolai asked concerned I nodded "Keep yourself away from the room so no one doubt you" I whispered to him he nodded grabbing my arms and dragging me into the meeting room.

Ivan was sitting on the couch beside the coffee table Nikolai made me sit in front of him. "Good to see you Maya" Ivan greeted with a soft smile which I ignored. Nikolai headed out of the meeting room leaving me and Ivan inside the room, I already ordered him to keep the guards away from his office.

"Marco has asked me to do a favor to him by giving him a strong security structure for other mafias. I want you to make them" he dominated in a serious tone.

"And what if I denied?" he chuckled in response "You don't have any choice, Maya.... I can kill you if you are useless to me" he picked a file and opened it before me "I want you to sign it as a contract that if you didn't work according to me, I will kill you and send your body back to Italy..."I shook my head and nodded "Okay I will do it... at least remove these handcuffs so that I can sign"

"I'm not stupid darling I know your dirty tactics..." he pulled his gun out pointing at me then uncuffed and handed me a pen. When his eyes went back on the file gesturing me where to sign, I moved away from him immediately pulling out the gun from my back and shooting him in his head.

His body fell lifeless on the floor blood spreading on the floor "Consider yourself smart but never make the mistake of thinking others are stupid" I spoke to his lifeless body.

It was never Ivan's fault to include me in the mafia teaching me to kill but the thing that took him to the grave is his blind desires and obsessions. He could have led the Russian Mafia to make his mafia powerful. But he chooses to fight with the most powerful people blindly trusting people like Zayn to fulfill his desires.

He owned the mafia by fooling a Russian princess that he loved her, married her, and gained the power he desired. Nikolai loved his stepsister because Ana was her only sister, he pampered her but love made her blind. Love that she found in Ivan neglecting the love of Nikolai as a brother.

But Nikolai did what her sister wanted he gave his mafia to Ivan and worked as an assassin in the mafia for the love of her sister but she joked about him that he doesn't deserve to be a leader. Love doesn't come in the form of a partner always it can also come in the form of a family.

Nikolai entered the meeting room his eyes stopped at Ivan's body he sighed "You never disappoint me and always complete your job" I passed him with a weak smile and walked towards him "Nik you believe it or not but I have a pang of guilt killing Ana... I could have shot somewhere else to stop her. I didn't know she was pregnant and throughout my training, I'm trained to work with perfection."

"I don't blame you, Maya, for her death I should have stopped her earlier, my love ruined her" He shook his head staring at the floor, the pain her sister left in him was visible she ruined him.

"You are the leader of the Russian Mafia become the leader they never had but don't forget your values. You know about Zayn's intentions if you helped him then I have to work against you or else I'm happy for you, this empire was always yours." I declared with a half-smile tugging my gun and covering it with my jacket.

He nodded "I should take a leave now..." I asked softly "Yeah... take the underground route a car is already there on the exist...." I nodded heading towards the door and turned to him when he spoke "... Maya... I don't hate you..." I smiled at his words and waved to him closing the door behind me.

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