Chapter 32

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Maya's POV:

"100 million" Marco raised the template gritting his teeth. Mr. Blue suit increased the amount to 150 million. Marco was giving it a second thought Amara pulled his arms "Marco what are you doing? Raise the amount or will you let him take that ring.?I can't buy it because I have already spent a lot, we can use it as our engagement ring..."

Engagement ring though words were stabbing me it was painful, we were all good till afternoon. Then she appeared with a direct marriage proposal and engagement and use this ring. Taking deep breaths, I looked at Marco, he was already staring at me.

Turning my face away from him, I gulped the rest of the whiskey in my glass. Marco raised the amount to "300 million..." two scenes flashed in my mind. Firstly, Marco slides the ring into Amara's finger. Secondly, millions of girls were tortured by men who looked exactly like my father.

"600 million dollars" my voice echoed in the hall. I raised my template with a huge smile the same smile which I had when I left my father's house successfully. The hall echoed with hitched breaths and gasps if someone raised the amount, I would have raised it more spending Nicolas's fortune.

"Sold to Ms. Maya for 600 million dollars. The highest amount of the donation for this event Number 28 Ms. Maya" my smile disappeared instantly I turned the template to face me it was 28... 28th of April. I laughed pure evil how can I forget that day?

Patting my shoulder mom comforted me I showed her the template and giggled. Her face was turned pale but she smiled painfully. Bella shook my arms "That was amazing you turned the table at the last and Marco. He didn't raise the amount you...."

"That doesn't mean we can't have it back from her. I will buy it from her later..." Amara spoke. "Kick that thought out from your mind as soon as possible because I'm not going to sell it" I assured her.

"Then we can have it without your permission..." Amara hissed in anger. So, she has this characteristic also in her not only English Lady.

"Taking the blue diamond unwillingly from its owner can lead to bad luck and death" Kathrine's sweet voice appeared behind me. I turned to face her she was heavenly beautiful "You didn't come to take this." She showed a wave of dramatic anger I chuckled "Thank you, nonna"

Taking the ring box from her, she kissed both of my cheeks "Sorry darling if it offends you but what is your full name..." I passed her a smile "Maya Elliot..." she nodded "You have familiar features darling." Her words were confusing but caring so I didn't mind.

"Maybe on the most-wanted hit list...." don't blame me it's alcohol. She laughed freely holding my hands she patted them. "Forget about my old age ranting. I want to thank you on behalf of the girls you helped...." Is she real or from a fairy tale?

"I have done nothing... you are the actual fairy godmother for them" she laughed at my comments."Darling meets me someday take this card...." She slipped a golden card into my palm and continued blessing me. "I would be glad if you met my grandson. He is handsome and will love to be your companion" this is going too far but I don't want to upset her.

"Sure, I would love to..." a hand pulled me back and I hit a hard chest. His cologne filled my nostril I knew exactly who he was "Hello Kathrine, nice to meet you".

"Nice to meet you too, Marco. Is Nicolas also here?" Kathrine interrogated.

"Yes, but he left early because his younger son was not feeling well" I instantly replied. Removing Marco's grip but it's impossible because they are rigid like a rock.

"Oh, never mind take good care of little one" she replied and winked at me. "Okay, then I should take leave it is my bedtime. Hope to see you soon... Only if he let you..."

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