Chapter 23

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Maya's POV:

Sitting in the meeting room I saw familiar faces Ivan and Ricardo walked inside the room with a grin looking in my direction. Ignoring others' presence Marco walked into the room with the side of my eyes I saw him wearing a three-piece suit and Calla holding his hands dressed revealing her characteristics of being a whore.

Lucas sat beside me I passed him a smile "Everything prepared... what are you going to do next?" he asked happily he likes the show put on by me. "Relax... I have plans just wait and watch" I smirked we chatted for a while.

Passing him a file I whispered in his ears "See this... you will understand everything..." he took the file from my hand, and I stood up walking to the center table.

After a formal introduction and discussion on the stats of the current situation, I gave them time to discuss and express their opinions. Zayn was sitting comfortably with Ivan, Ricardo, and some other people, they started discussing it. Ivan and Ricardo were favoring Zayn it wasn't shocking for me but it was for Marco, his face turned red he could kill anyone around him.

Marco's eyes meet mine I gestured for him to stay calm but it was difficult for him. After discussion, I spoke with calm "Before we move for voting I want to make a small announcement... I'm giving my 30% shares to Marco... which leaves me with 10% and Zayn with 40%... Marco with maximum shares... 50%... he is in the voting session for the CEO position...." Lucas stood up and showed the file to other members for confirmation.

"It's impossible you cannot do that... it will take a few days we cannot vote now and you have to take permissions from Nicolas to...." Zayn ranted objectively.

"I can do anything I want and I did it... you are no one to tell me what to do and what not to do so better shut up," I told him darkly. He narrowed his eyes Calla comforted him by telling something soothing, Marco was looking at me intensely shocked with affection.

"There isn't any problem Miss Maya but we will like to vote for Zayn because he is also eligible for it... I support him" Ivan chimed in the conversation with some other mafia leaders agreeing to him.

My eyes met Marco he was fuming his eyes were reflecting hatred Calla whispered something, and his eyes grew wider. I knew what she said, his brow knitted. He was regretting now for including mafia leaders, things we do in anger make us regret in sober.

".... Mafia leaders cannot vote... but they can give their opinions... its better for the board members to choose their CEO." Murmuring spread around the meeting room when I dictated.

"It is not for the mafia we already have Marco as the 'Mafia King' this is voting for CEO of this company, not any mafia business.... and to the board members who support me I suggest them to vote for Marco because he is a successful King and could handle this position better than me..." I ended my speech dominantly.

Sitting back in my seat I discussed things with Lucas and some senior board members, they agreed with it because I already oppressed them, Zayn tried hard to convince others that it wasn't a good idea but couldn't.

After the voting results were declared Marco was voted maximum and became the CEO of the company. Everyone congratulated him Zayn whispered something in his ear and left the meeting room, and others started leaving. Other mafia leaders who attended congratulated him with fear because of Ricardo.

Marco was fuming at Calla and Ricardo, he openly hinted to them that going against him was a bad choice and they are going to pay for it. He has control over the mafia I didn't see him dominating but today when I saw him growling at them. I realized his power over the mafia, they all bowed and begged apologies he told them to leave.

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