Chapter 6

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Maya's POV:

Everyone was prepared with their guns and earpiece connecting. Four snipers including me around other buildings. Ivan was with me in the hotel room in front of La Pertosa. According to him, it was a meeting in which Kyle is taking help from other mafias to take down Russians, he wanted to know who all are involved so that we will take them down first and kill Kyle.

"We have all taken positions", one of the snipers. I heard him through the earpiece.

Me: "Okay wait and keep your eyes notify me of his arrival, Aiden are you ready".

Aiden: "Maybe I'm but my ass is shaking, tell me I won't die".

Me: " Have you taken the bug and crucifix with you?" God, I'm acting like my mother aww... I miss her.

Aiden: " Yes, I have made a bracelet out of the crucifix you know I'm creative"

Me: "Yeah I know you are a dumb ass, now move in".

Aiden managed to get into the hotel in the washroom of the surveillance they allowed because it was at a distance from the main room. He placed the bug under the washbasin. Kyle entered the conference room of the hotel I hacked all the CCTVs and the systems used by them manipulating the camera loop video and tracking the meeting. Ivan and I were listening to their conversation it was some in Italian, French, and English.

Ivan was getting furious hearing the conversation, Aiden was asking me when and how will he get out. The conversation between them came to end,

Me: "Aiden near the ventilation of the bathroom knock the tiles you will find a hollow opening". He did a found out a panel.

Aiden: "Yes, I found it".

Me: "Open the panel with the tool I have given you". Opening the panel with the edge of crucifix there was a single-person tunnel heading straight. "Get in, If you can close then close it if not then leave it like that. Crawl straight and you will find a way outside the parking lot".

"Elijah, Get in Kyle is heading outside don't give them time to contact each other". I ordered, "Don't shout at me like that". He groaned.

Aiden: "Maya it is a 250 feet sliding tunnel how am I going to head out". He said anxiously that's why I haven't told him before because I knew he will back off and others cannot get in there because of our body type.

Me: " Aiden it is just like a drop slide from the park just slide down or decompose there". Aiden screamed from the other end, sliding down the passage. "Holy shoot!....... Jesus Christ......oh my gosh-hoyaaaa......MAYA SUKA....." I pulled out the earpiece. It was hard I know but what can we do as others don't have a thin physique like him, I ordered other men to open the outer side of the panel.

Elijah managed to kill them all and was getting out of the hotel. Other snipers were targeting their bodyguards Kyle and I was targeting Kyle. Ivan placed this hand on my shoulder as a gesture of assurance, he was packing things to head out of the hotel without leaving any trail.

Five shots Four kills, two bullets for Kyle one in the head and the other in the chest clean shot. We head out of the hotel, Elijah, Aiden, and other people managed to get back in the car. People were gathered on the site including the hotel security staff and they were trying to understand the situation. All men of Kyle have died including other people involved with him.

Aiden: "I almost....... broke my ass, you-you are-." He huffed. "Beautiful, a genius immensely talented-" he cuts me off "DANGEROUS...." I chuckle passing him a bottle of water and didn't bother him much coz I know it was dangerous he could have stuck in it without oxygen. Kyle was dead, American Mafia was startled busy finding the person who killed him.

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