Chapter 29

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Maya's POV:

It's been a week now since Alex's birthday party, I avoid Cynthia's appearance in the house. Marco has managed himself by indulging himself in his work I keep my eyes on him so he doesn't do anything stupid again. Nicolas closed the contract between us that I'm not her fiancée anymore and not even a shareholder which means I'm broke.

I'm not because I'm working on security structures for other mafias for which Marco has given me a good amount of money and I'm the owner of a few strip clubs. Marco is having good bonding with my mother she has started pampering him, to be honest, I'm jealous. She neglects me now and once she openly said that she wanted a handsome baby boy and not a girl. Alex waved me from his car, he is going to visit his grandparents with Emily as she was on break. Waving back at the car Alex was leaving the mansion I will miss his company he loves me so much that I feel like I'm his real mother. It's a weird feeling for me that he still calls me Mom as I don't know how to explain to him about the contract.

Marco's POV:

Samara pampers me a lot after that and Maya is extremely jealous about it, Cynthia cared about me but Zayn comes first to her but I don't care about it anymore after knowing the truth.

After a long time, we were going to have breakfast together after all that incident and workload. Alex has gone to visit his mother's family with Emily, so the house was in complete silence and Maya has indulged herself in work. Bella, Lucas, Daniel, Samara, Cynthia, and Nicolas were already at the dining table.

Sitting next to Lucas, I asked him "Where is Maya?" he was filling a bowl with different diced fruits "Speak of the devil and he doth appear" he pointed at the door. Maya entered wearing a white turtle neck crop top with blue jeans and white high boots.

Giving a hard glare Lucas shifted himself giving Maya a seat next to me she mumbled a 'thank you ' and sit between me and Lucas. "Marco try these Bruschetta...." Samara passed me a plate of them "You are spoiling me.... thank you..." taking a bit it was fresh and delicious. Maya tried to pick one I slapped her hand "Keep your filthy hands away from them.... It's for me and I don't share like you" she rolled her eyes "Just one... I promise" she pleaded.

Samara interrupted "No I made them for him.... you didn't like them when I use to make them for you. What happened now?" her brows snapped together gritting her teeth in annoyance.

Bella and Lucas busted laughing as others giggled annoyingly at her. "Maya I think your mother is soon going to put you up for adoption" "Aww... don't worry take these..." Lucas passed her another bowl of fresh fruits. She flinched at the bowl and her face turned pale "What happened?" I asked her concerned.

"These are just fruits...... Maya not bombs and you aren't even afraid of bombs..." Lucas tried to convince her. She was trembling looking down on her lap avoiding the bowl, I pulled her chair towards me and placed some of Bruschetta on her plate.

"Maya... it is just..." she cuts me off snuggled on my chest clenching my shirt and trembling badly. Hugging her I looked at Samara she was avoiding my gaze like she knew something about it.

"She doesn't like fruits..." Daniel replied coldly taking the bowl away from her "Is this some kind of phobia from the past or something-" Lucas asked curiously I gave him a hard look he instantly shuts his mouth and removed the bowl from her sight. Looking down at Maya she stopped trembling but was acting weird.

After finishing breakfast, I left the mansion with Lucas and headed inside the building of my office. Stepping out of the elevator, my mind never left the thoughts of Maya the way she trembled was pure fear of something. This incident showed me a different side of Maya, a girl whose smile isn't always real. She is broken and damaged inside to overcome her fear she chose the mafia and now people are afraid of her.

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