Chapter 5

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Maya's POV:                                                  (Three Years Later)

Nikolai wanted to sell me as a prostitute but Ivan saw more profit in me. He asked me to make the most powerful security system for his Mafia Empire. I got everything I wanted, except going out of the house. Dani was also captured with me but he was allowed to go because insisted Ivan. I told Dani to take care of my mom and make her stay as far as possible from all this. Chief has given me a lot amount of money which was very helpful for my Mom. No one else than Dani knew about my capture but the Russian Mafia family.

Ivan forced me to hack other systems when I denied it, they tortured me. I tried to escape but ended up beaten I lost hope of living life as I normally used to do. So, I eventually accepted my new life, molding me into an assassin, killer, and gearhead.

Drugs and guns were common in the mafia. Soon drugs hugged my pain and suffering, leaving me an addict. I hacked many powerful systems for Ivan. So, for more of his profit, he trained me with fighting skills, using guns, plotting war, etc. My interest in guns grew more and, became a professional M24 sniper.

I missed my mom every day it was more than two years now living here, I couldn't contact my mom because she will become their main target then. Dani told me she was okay and asks about me a lot.

"Are you coming with us or not?". It was Aiden, he was an assassin working for the Russian Mafia but was Italian by origin. "Yes wait for me ". I said we were going for a usual meeting done on the last day of every month.

In very little time I was Ivan's favorite which was not liked by Anastasia and a few other important people of Ivan's. I didn't talk much with anyone else except Aiden, three other assassins, and one maid who helped me a lot to get used to the environment of being trapped. She told me about her life and how she was kidnapped by other gangs and sold to Ivan, she worked as a prostitute and then ended up here as a personal maid.

The meeting starts with toddler boys, Ivan telling how Americans are growing but stealing his goods. Nikolai was continuously staring at me this was usual, my body was in perfect shape because of immense training, which excited him the most. But as I reject him always as he tried to hit me but I have learned to protect myself. Ivan never let him be close with me because he feared that if Nikolai fall in love with me and decides to take me away from here it would be a great loss for the Russian mafia empire. 

"Maya you will plot every minute detail, second in command of Americans should die now which will make his mafia weaker". Ivan said looking at me I nodded. This is going to be my first kill outside the country, yes I have tortured and shot many traitors in the warehouse and some big shots in the country. Ivan knew my smartness he didn't want any risk but now he knows how much helpless I am but something he doesn't know is that I fake being helpless.

"I will go bargaining in the hotel to kill him," Anastasia said loudly with confidence but Ivan denied it. That made her furious after the meeting ended. I went into Ivan's office giving him some documents he has asked for, Anastasia came inside and shouted at Ivan "Are you fed up with me that she is going to be the next mafia queen? ". "Ana calm......" Ivan was trying to calm her. "Did you fucked her, because she is young and I'm getting old you are finding my replacement?". She asked Ivan's sobbing and started crying more loudly. I picked up a joint from his desk and started rolling it "Are these pregnancy mood swings?" I said bluntly she looked at me in shock and calculated something then looked back at Ivan then me. "Shut up, you bitch!" she scowled at me.

I took two long puffs of it and left the office. Aiden came with his phone showing me something related to work, we shared the joint. Scrolling through some site photos there was a beautiful girl's pic. She was gorgeous with grey eyes that were more correlative to Zayn's as I zoomed in on the pic. Aiden snatched his phone back from my hands, glancing at me. He run off there without even looking back, I grinned and murmured to myself "Hmm so, this plug has found his socket. Epic, but who is she?". (plug is someone who supplies drugs and metaphorically used this as a couple or pair).

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