Chapter 13

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Marco's POV:

Maya ran past me in the hall to meet her mom I had to deal with some issues so I went back to my office.

Sitting in my office I was discussing the losses we are facing due to the theft of drugs carrying cargo containers. Some Russian Mafia members were seen around our prohibited warehouse and construction sites, it was confirmed by a few mafia members. But the CCTV images were removed when Lucas searched the sites, so we couldn't reach the exact person. They were planning something big, I wanted to ask Maya about it if she knows anything.

Maya has a pleasant personality she has a soft side that makes me think why she joined the mafia. The brutal cuts on her arms make me feel bad for her maybe she had a dark past.

Lucas came bargain into the office panting heavily and then instantly making a bow, he was startled by something. He took two long breaths then continued.

"Maya is the assassin Americans are searching..... she planned the attack that was held in our hotel La Pertosa where the conference was held by Kyle..... she is the only tech security expert in Russian Mafia and the fearest female assassin also..." I stood up from my seat and questioned him "How didn't know it first ...."

Lucas: "Russians have buried make things about her. I thought Russians would have many tech expert teams but she handles them all alone which is nearly impossible. She is the rank one hacker for the past two years but never came to light because Russians never let it.... Aiden didn't tell us all about her....."

Marco: "You re-designed the security in that hotel how is that possible" I growled at him as he bowed his head with guilt.

"Call that Aiden here, NOW!!!"

Lucas called Aiden he was sitting in the living room with Maya's mother. What are Maya's intentions? What else is Aiden hiding from us? Aiden came into the office seeing me he shivered.

Lucas dragged him and made him sit on his knees in front of me. Aiden was in shock and started pleading for mercy and to know about what he did before he die. Seeing people asking for mercy made me satisfied I pulled my hand out Lucas handed me a gun walking slowly in front of Aiden I growled.

Marco: "Hiding things from me would lead you to death....."

Aiden: "King... why will I dare to.... Hide things..."

I punched him hard on his face and put the gun in his mouth. My single punch broke his nose and started bleeding.

Marco: "I will give you only one chance to speak if you still choose to lie then I will fulfill your death wish".

Lucas explained, "Maya killed Kyle you hid the truth from us and already made a mistake.... you were kept in the Russian mafia to give us every single details about them that are related to us then how the attack in La Pertosa was not mentioned by you to us..... what are Maya's intentions...."

Pulling the gun out from his mouth I punched him again harder than before, he stumbled and fell. "SPEAK"

Aiden shuddered, "King... Maya's plans... are always hidden... she never includes anyone in her work..... Elijah was the coordinator for the attack...... and La Pertosa was owned by you I didn't know it when I entered the ball there, I got to know by Lucas.... Maya was with Ivan...... when the attack was detained.... Ivan wanted to hear the conversation at the conference.... For the action in the ball, Maya trusted me and included me..... "

Lucas nodded to confirm that he didn't know about the hotel. "Throw him away from my sight" I ordered Lucas throwing him outside the office he came back.

"We cannot tell Americans about it... you designed the security system they will backfire on us.... Lucas besides being my friend I trust your work... mistakes like these from you are not acceptable."

He shook his head feeling guilty and ashamed "Marco... it was impossible to break the security system.... And hacking the cameras and listening to the conversation in the conference room is more than impossible... how does she do that?... and that to single-handed...." he uttered in clear confusion.

Only Maya could answer these questions, Russians have trained her well but her skills were beyond limits. She runs the show alone a smirk appeared on my face more like a smile. It was a weird feeling because I have met assassins but she was the heavenly combo of multi-talents.

"Then let's know from her...." Walking down the stairs I saw her talking to some random guy in the corner my anger grew, who the fuck is he, she talking happily almost touching him and throwing herself.

Jealously jealousy.......

Maya's POV:

Entering his office Lucas was already there Marco slammed the door behind him and glared at me in anger. "WHAT THE HELL MARCO ?" I screamed at him "If you yell at me again, I will give you a real reason to scream" Marco scowled grabbing my neck.

I struggled under him, he choked on my neck as I tried to break through his hand which lead me to hit on my shoulder. Pain caused my body to get limp the bullet wound got fresh and blood oozed out. Marco didn't see it and continued choking me my eyes turned red but I didn't let my tears fall. As I stopped struggling, he spoke

"You killed KYLE?" I nodded he was acting like he didn't know about it "Don't act like you didn't know Aiden told you everything... he was loyal towards you..." the pain was growing on my shoulder.

"Marco... Marco stop...she is...." Lucas tried to stop him but got a "fuck off Lucas...." him.

"What are your intentions? Are you here to kill me and my family? Answer it before I put a bullet in your skull" he was continuously yelling at me. A weak whimper released trembling my body that made him leave me. Falling to the ground I took deep breaths trying to calm myself crawling on the floor struggling to get up as my shoulder doesn't respond.

His eyes grew bigger when he saw my clothes covered in blood that was released from my shoulder "FUCK... why didn't you tell me that I hit the bullet wound.... Get up" his anger was converted into concern.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands!!" I said when he tried to lift me I removed his hand.

I got up myself applying pressure on the wound that was bleeding. I moved towards his office door, he walked behind.

"Okay just let me take care of your wound." he came closer.

"I can take care of myself! I don't need your charity..... " I hissed in pain looking at him.

I slammed his office door leaving towards my door and locked my door. Tears fall down my cheeks I cleaned my wound took a few painkillers and changed the clothes into a casual black outfit.

Throwing myself on the bed pain was disappearing but thoughts were taking over me. I had to prove myself getting up from my bed I walked towards his office. 


Hey readers, Thank you for reading this chapter. If you enjoyed this, please let me know in the comments section. I'd appreciate any suggestions you have regarding improvement or things you want to be included in this story. Follow me and stay connected for more such chapters and stories. Have a nice day ❤

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