Chapter 25

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Marco's POV:

I watched the video till she was injected with a drug to sleep she smiled softly. At last, that smile pinched me I found myself helpless I couldn't do anything if I did results can be worst. Samara asked me about Maya at the dinner table, I lied that we are in touch and she will get back she is just a hostage there they will not kill her.

Fifteen kills, twelve prisoners in my cells but so sign of Maya now it's fucking five days. I sighed falling back on my leather chair, the thought of that day when she sat on my lap almost gave me a boner without doing anything, a smile slipped from my mouth thinking about her.

Alex stays in my office but didn't disturb me he just wants someone to accompany him he found it with Maya. A call on my private phone interrupted my thoughts "Marco...".

"Hello, brother..." Zayn's voice was heard from the other side.

"What do you want now? More money... A car... My soul..."

"Finding Maya so desperately.... That's a shame I have some arrangements for you" he chuckled and asked.

"Speak.... Parasite" he found it amusing then replied in a serious tone "There is a Mafia gathering in America, Ivan will be there given him what he wants then he will give you Maya back....".

"What the fuck now Ivan wants from me?" I questioned him.

"Your firearms company.... Give it to him and get Maya back..." he replied coldly getting a 'suck a dick' in response, I ended the call and threw it somewhere in the room.

When the call ended, I looked up and saw Lucas come inside my office looking down at the floor and passing me his iPad showing a photo. The picture was of a dark room with a single ventilation a thin body wrapped in chains blood spreading around the floor then I recognized the body, it was Maya.

She had lost a lot of weight her body looked exhausted covered in her blood; her eyes were shut close. My heartache at that view why she does all this to herself she could have stayed with me?

Lucas looked at me his eyes were also sad I haven't seen him like this for years. He is a cold-hearted killer and tech genius like Maya but he was also drained seeing his pathetic situation of Maya. "There is a gathering in..."

"America... I know" he raised an eyebrow "Zayn called telling him to give my firearms company to Ivan in return for Maya" his eyes grew bigger "Marco don't ... firearms are our backbone if we lost them, they will get close to us..." he replied concerned.

"I know what Zayn is trying to do but.... I can't just let Maya in that situation at least she is alive..." it was all messed up I had to find a way to keep Maya and my mafia safe because I can't lose any of that.

Today we are leaving for America for the gathering it is actually to discuss the trade stats but for me it is different. "Are the papers ready?" I asked Lucas he nodded heading inside the jet.

I have decided to give my firearms company to Ivan and get Maya back then I will find other ways to get my company back. Nicolas and others are not happy with my decision but what else can I do? It's the best I can do for now to get Maya back safely.

Entering the hotel where the 'gathering' was held people greeted me Ricardo greeted me I gave him a 'stay away' look he walked back Calla was sitting near him she passed me a smile. I wanted to cut her throat right now but I want Maya to kill her that will be more satisfying.

Ignoring her presence, I sit back in my place and the meeting started Lucas was standing behind me including another second in command standing behind their leaders. I glared at Zayn sitting on the other side Braxton standing behind him. He is the one who betrayed me and took Zayn's side, we used to be my best friend. He is short in height with amber-colored eyes and curly hair.

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