Chapter 10

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Marco's POV:

Her words were unbearable hurting me, she was just like me "Betrayals hurt me more than bullets." I was feeling bad for her I never did it for anyone Lucas same in my room telling me everything was prepared. I handed him the piece of paper she gave me and instructed him all.

I went back into the hall and saw my father talking to someone I called him in a corner "Is something wrong carofiglio?"(dear son). I told him everything his face was red in anger I calmed him and told him about Maya and her idea of getting outside safely. He instantly said to trust her that was weird because my father was also in Mafia, he knew about that all.

Finding Maya in the hall I saw her drinking wine like water she was differently using liquor to suppress her emotions. She looked at them around the hall Ivan was talking to a rich woman almost flattering her. I nodded in her direction she stood up and went towards the main gate the guard handed him a black bag.

I took my father in the elevator towards our room and waited for her outside the room. She has changed her grown into plain black jeans and a jacket with black boots, she was hot.

She bowed her head in front of my father his expression soften. "I never believed Ivan will do something like that he is close to us," my father said looking at her.

Lucas handed her a few knives she tucked in her boots, guns in the back, blades in her jacket, and a big gun in her hand "Thirst of power and money can blind anyone" she replied examining the gun. My father nodded, she made him speechless.

"Why there is only one bulletproof jacket?" she asked Lucas.

"Because we thought only Marco was in danger" he replied

"Make dad wear that I can protect myself" she looked at me when I said that.

Her fighting skills were well she shot fewer guns and mostly stabbed and twisted. Blood on her body was making her look dangerous yet beautiful. Less than ten people were there mostly without weapons. We followed behind her, the chopper landed successfully.

Maya's POV:

Ivan doubted me when I came down in the hall late. I distracted him by saying that I was eavesdropping on a secret meeting they were doing in the upper room but didn't understand because it was in Italian. He didn't know that I know Italian.

Ana mocked me I insulted her as usual but she didn't say anything I sensed something odd. Sitting in the bar area I was thinking about my mom, Aiden's biggest truth, and Marco's games these all made me feel dumb and motivated me to improve myself more.

I was missing my mom the day when I left in hurry for Russia, I didn't even meet her deep in my thoughts I looked up and saw Marco directly looking at me. I gained my consciousness of how long he is watching me. turning towards Ivan and back to him. He nodded at me I understood his hint.

Ivan has placed his guards in the main gate it was my idea to get weapons easily. I picked up my bag and looked around the building's snipers where I picked up my earpiece and walked towards Ivan telling him I was going to change because others have left only Marco and Nicolas are left with a few others.

Ana was smiling at me and wished me luck that was the weirdest thing I saw today including the girl who called Marco's baby and people down the hall bowing themselves in front of me. I told Ivan to talk about random stuff and not let him leave.

Looking around the hall Marco and others were not there. I went into the washroom changed myself pulled the earpiece into my ear.

"Everyone in their positions?"

"Yes, mam..."

"Snipers in their portions from the right and left corner ones are the most?"

"Mam Queen Ana swapped it with herself she instructed us to move a floor down and she is going to be on the left side top floor" I got what Ana was trying to do.

I was going to stand on the left side middle way and she took the top floor of the sniper so she could easily shoot me and blame it that Marco's guard has done that worst idea was choosing a sniper gun. It is hard to handle than it seems.

"That's a brilliant idea, keep your eyes on the main gate shot every guard of Marco they should not leave without death"

"Yes Mam," they all said.

I pulled the earpiece out threw and flushed it. I saw Marco standing outside his room deep in thoughts, I promised myself I won't let him die. He is not like other mafias, being a King he has already risked his life.

I picked my favorite 9mm pistol with my name engraved with golden linen on the edge. Eight men were there in the trance I called them telling them to put their guns at their positions and I have to discuss something regarding the current mission.  

Killing them all I looked at Lucas he called the chopper. "Be quick we have less time" I looked at Lucas he nodded. Nicolas sat in the front seat behind him Lucas and Marco a seat was left on the right side of Marco I took a turn and was going to sit in it when I saw a red dot towards the chopper someone pulling a laser gun from the front building Marco was on the right side he was going to be shot first!

I saw a girl with a gun there is only one female assassin in the Russian mafia except for Ana. I climbed towards Marco and hopped in front of him bringing my gun out and pointing at the person with the sniper laser gun. It was Ana she was struggling to aim without wasting any time I shot a bullet in her direction.

Hearing two bullet shots people panicked and looked upwards. Ana's bullet was shot in my shoulder close to my chest and my bullet was shot on her head. Marco dragged me inside as I was losing balance standing on the edge and made me sit next to him. The chopper flew gun was shot in our direction but we were safe.

"Are you okay?" Marco asked me with concern in his eyes but it made me laugh.

"It's just a bullet I'm.. not going to die....not in your arms to be specific" I rolled my eyes panting for breath.

We landed in a port a jet was there, as we entered, I saw Aiden, Isabella, Calla, and two more people already sitting there. We seated ourselves Isa saw me bleeding she gasped "Maya you are bleeding too much... how did you get shot?"

"Relax, Isa I'm okay it is because of your dumb-ass brother ask him" I looked at Marco who was confused.

Isa flipped her sandal in her hand and stood in front of Marco (lady boss with a sandal) "Yes give me an explanation before I stab you with my heels" she growled at Marco.

Marco was looking at me helplessly I enjoyed the show of Marco being threatened. I asked Lucas "Can you pull the bullet out?"

"Yes of course I'm a specialist in that I also have..." he replied instantly.

"I'm not hiring you just asking you to pull out the bullet before we reach the hospital or something" giving him my knife I said. He asked for a first aid box, Marco seated himself beside me Calla was cursing me but let me inside the jet getting a glare from Nicolas.

"Fuck. FUCK. FUCKKKK!" I yelled "You son of a mother, pull the bullet out.....not my shoulder..." I screamed at Lucas he was twisting the knife inside that was hurting more badly.

Marco was beside me holding me Lucas gave me some pills and painkiller injections and bandaged the wound. I was drowning in sleep I asked him in my sleepy voice "did... you found... my mother?"

"Yes, she is fine maybe tomorrow she will come to meet you" his voice was calming I smiled and looked at him.

"Keep your eyes closed and don't make any sound okay I'm here if you want anything".

"...Okay.."I whispered as he kissed my forehead and sleep take over me.


Hey readers, Thank you for reading this chapter. If you enjoyed this, please let me know in the comments section. I'd appreciate any suggestions you have regarding improvement or things you want to be included in this story. Follow me and stay connected for more such chapters and stories. Have a nice day ❤

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