Chapter 9

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Maya's POV:

I took the elevator to the 10th floor a turn towards the right knocking on the door I heard a rough and husky "Come in".

Marco was sitting on the bed in the center of the big room. The room was a little dark why was he sitting in the dark "Something important took you long" he mocked I hate him.

I started searching for the switch because I was feeling a little scared of it. The dark and Marco together was a dangerous combo but it was too dark to find a switch, my back hit someone when I realized he has walked towards me, now he is standing behind me.

I took a few steps back facing him, he was so close to me that my breath hitched but I kept my face straight and moves backward hitting the wall. He placed a soft kiss on my neck. I gasped at his swift action, he bites my neck in another swift move, and the glass of wine in my hand slipped shattering on the floor.

Marco had a smirk on his face I could sense that in the dark. "Marco stop before we do something we both will regret..." he pulled me towards him and I hit his hard chest "You won't regret it I ...." I put my hand on his mouth to shut him I wanted to put my lips but that could have led to somewhere because the sexual tension between us was on peek.

"Ivan wants to take over the Italian Mafia empire by killing you and your father outside this ball party. It was planned by me but..." he left his embrace around me take a few steps back. That's when I realized the room was cold, I shivered a little but continued "He wants me to kill you..."

He pressed me up against the wall again, but this time hitting me on the wall it hurt like bitch. I felt bad and humiliated when he groaned at me "Then do it..."

Marco pulled my face towards him I could see his dark grey eyes stabbing me in my heart "Marco.... Control yourself I'm not going to do that not to you" I struggled under his pressure soon his grip loosen. He clicked a button on the right side and a dull light glow enough to look at him.

He was looking pissed and offended I felt so bad for him. He is doing his best and people are dragging him down instead of climbing up. On the mention of his father, he felt dull definitely a family man.

Marco: "Spill whatever you know and get the fuck out from this room I will find a way out to save ourselves" he placed himself on the side of the bed his voice was rough and dominating, Mafia King.

I don't know from where I got confidence. So, I walked towards him pulling his chin up and making him look at me "Don't talk to me like that it hurts and I'm not going to leave you alone I will be killed whether I help you or not so I choose to help you. Want it or not still I'm going to do it". He stood up "Who is going to kill you?" with a sigh I replied.

"Let me explain, Ivan had me plan an attack which succeeded in making him thirstier for power. He made me do things he wants or it ends up me being... leave it for now just trust me I won't let anything happen to you or your father. I have designed the strategies I know the loopholes better. So, just trust me."

Marco: "Okay I will but if I found anything suspicious, I won't wait for your explanation and put a bullet in your skull"

Me: "There are more than 30 assassins outside the gate in different positions but on the top floor there are fewer in comparison. Call a chopper for yourself and your father. Move Isabella and others who are here with you first through the main gate they will not attack without my permission and I won't permit them"

Marco: "We can use the underground route...."

Me: "It is the longest route we cannot take a risk they will be alerted and will change their position 10 snipers are targeting from other buildings but if we flew from the top they won't be able to comprehend. If possible, bring some weapons in the chopper just for more safety..."

"We already have some" a voice in the room startled me I saw a boy in the room "don't worry I'm not going to do anything but who are you..." he said

"That should be my first question"

"I'm Lucas, Marco's assassin and BFF and..."

"Were you in the room from the time I entered"

"Yes...... I saw you both almost kissing" he made a dramatic kissing pout.

A knock interrupted us Marco said 'come in' I was finding a place to hide as I saw Aiden in the room I froze "Relax, I'm already with Marco..." I stared at him in shock. Wtf is going on I'm daydreaming.

"From the beginning, I'm with Marco he knows everything about you because I told him he even knows about the plan you made..... I am a double agent in Russian mafia and serve Italian's."

"But I was going to kill him, what would you have done..."

"I knew you were not going to kill him when you made loopholes in the plan because you always make perfect strategies and hearing about Elijah made it clear but if you were still going to do that. Maybe I have killed you before you kill him..." he said bluntly but that shit hurt I was in shock and anger.

"Maya, you know very well this is the rule when you enter in the mafia and...."

"Keep your morals to yourself....." I was feeling betrayed and it was hurting.

He was the only person I trusted in the Russian Mafia but....

I turned towards Lucas "You have heard it then do it don't waste time, bring me some guns and other stuff too" Lucas looked at Marco, he approved by nodded then Lucas left the room.

"I think you should tell your father about it if he doesn't know. I'm going to make some excuses to convince Ivan, when you are ready just give me a hint I will clear the trance for the chopper to land" I was pissed off with him also he was playing mind games with me.

"Aiden take Isabella and others with you outside. Ivan will not doubt you, as you are pro in this. If something comes in the way shot and inform me instantly" I looked at him without any emotion.

"Maya it's not like...." he was going to say it but I cut him "Fuck yourself were the only person there I trusted you knew everything about me you could have told me....Get the fuck out of here now" he nodded at left the room.

Me: "I want a favor from you" I turned towards Marco.

Marco: "What is it?"

Me: "My mother, Samara Elliot and a friend of mine are in New York can you please protect them and move them to somewhere safe. Ivan will directly target them when he will find I ran away. He doesn't know till now please can you do this?"

Marco: "Okay I will send someone to bring them to my place give me the address".

I handed him the address of the apartment Daniel last told me he was going to keep her on a small piece of paper.

Me: "Thank you..." I was going to leave the room when he stopped me.

Marco: "Maya....I didn't have a choice I always put a backup plan with me".

Me: "Marco I understand your position and risk with it people love to see others fall but what Aiden did is something I won't be able to forgive.... Betrayals hurt me more than bullets".

I left the room closing the door behind me making me ready to face Ivan.


Hey readers, Thank you for reading this chapter. If you enjoyed this, please let me know in the comments section. I'd appreciate any suggestions you have regarding improvement or things you want to be included in this story. Follow me and stay connected for more such chapters and stories. Have a nice day ❤

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