Chapter 17

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Maya's POV: (three weeks later)

Bella: "How's your day going? third mom" she was trying her best not to laugh but cackled.

Me: "Well, no one died... but one of these days I'm going to murder you for calling me that..."

Bella: "Well that's not at all comforting... Lady Tremaine..."

She is my best friend now in this house her kindness and pure heart make her a princess but she has a dirty mind I know that side of her. When she got to know that I'm going to marry his father she talked to me and forgave me. No one else did try to except Emily.

My mother has stopped talking to me since the day she got to know about me she was living in the other wing and avoids me I gave her space to digest the facts. Cynthia threatened me to not do anything against Zayn and give him my resources so he could be what he wants.

Alex stays with me most of the time in my office or my room but he never disturbs me when I'm working. I understood his mentality he just doesn't want to sit alone in a room he wants someone to company him. Emily thanked me million times for taking care of Alex she doesn't hate me for anything.

Marco doesn't talk to me at all except for work else he avoids me. Every time I start a conversation or try to convince him he just asks one question that makes me leave the place "What made you do that?". I couldn't answer that because of Nicolas.

Alex was sitting in the kitchen cabinet having some juice and playing a game on my phone and we are making muffins in the kitchen. Half of the kitchen is messed up and we are going to be thrown out any minute.

Bella: "C'mon you can do this.."

Me: "I'm going to disappoint you..." I'm trying to take out muffins from the baking tray in one piece without breaking it, for the third time.

Bella: "Alex.. try these..." she gave him some pomegranate juice.

Alex: "Is this blood?..." she looked at me to get a confirmation.

Me: "No Alex, they are juice from a fruit but they are slightly...."

Alex: "YUCK... Eww... this is rubbish" he made disgusting faces Bella told him that if he will finish it she will give him three muffins. He agreed took the juice and ran to the dining table with my phone.

We were done making our chocolate chip muffins it looked better than we thought it would. Bella was happy with the results.

Bella: "Good work partner.... They look so delicious... let's take them outside".

I heard a scream outside Bella was shocked we ran outside. Calla's white dress was covered with red juice that Alex was having she slapped him, he was sobbing and it boiled my blood.

Calla: "You ruined my Chanel outfit... your slut mother couldn't even afford a single thing from these brands.... Son of a bitch... you..."

I picked Alex removing Calla's grip on him, he was crying badly calming him I examined him. Alex's cheeks were bleeding because her big nails scratched his cheek when she slapped him.

Calla was continuously cursing and mocking in her cranky voice. Cynthia and others were gathered by now. I picked Alex taking him into his room he was sobbing in my chest.

After cleaning his wounds and giving him his first aid, he was looking fine. "I'm so sorry mom... I was... I was having the juice she... she snatched your phone... I was playing a game.... And when I tried to get it back... the glass hit my hand on the table and fell.... On her...." He said in his sobbing voice.

"Alex... don't cry baby you are a big boy and it's not your fault okay... you never hurt anyone right just be careful okay... she is having treatment with a doctor, she is not well okay so don't mind what she says... okay baby.."

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