Chapter 37

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Isabella's POV:

I peeped outside the bathroom door; Lucas enters the picture. Braxton pulled me out and placed the gun on my temple. "One wrong action and her brain will spread out...." Braxton spoke calmly. Maya entered followed by Aiden and put their hands high in defense.

Maya looked intensely into my eyes  giving me a signal to follow her hands. Her right hand had a gun and her left hand was palm open. I knew the signal she was going to give because we used to play it as a game to do things synthesized with the hand action.

I nodded softly understanding her action, she closed her left palm and I plunged to the floor. A bullet shot Braxton's wrist and the gun fell from his hand, I caught it. "Dumbass" Maya commented to him, guards entered the room and trailed him out.

Hugging Maya some happy tears rolled down my eyes, I searched for Marco but he wasn't there. It was unusual of him my brows knitted, Maya comforted me "Don't bother, we should leave now". I nodded slowly what happened to Marco? Why he didn't come?

Following Maya, I reached outside that small motel. Aiden hugged me and made me sit inside the car, I glanced outside the window at Braxton. Maya walked to him and slit his right arm squinting my eyes I shuddered at his painful scream.

"Don't look outside..." Aiden pulled me close to his chest closing my ears with his palm and kissed my temple. It calmed me closing my eyes and taking deep breaths Maya opened the door and sit in the front seat.

She turned to face me "Bella... you okay... did they..." I knew what she was trying to say "No..." she passed me a weak smile and nodded. Her eye bags were dark she had some fresh cuts on her neck and her knuckles were bleeding badly. But still, she was calm how? Doesn't it hurt?

Maya's POV:

Four guards were dragging Braxton, his wrist was bleeding but still, he stood straight. Walking to him I slit his arms open and pulled out the tracker. "Ivan has told you many things but not everything..." I went on "Are you scared of me now? Because you should be... I'm Maya..." Braxton's breath hitched trembling with fear.

Covering his face with a blank bag he was given a high dose of Succinylcholine, a type of sleeping drug. Bella was shuddering in Aiden's arm I comforted her she glared at my wounds which I got fighting from the guards. She hasn't seen me like this before so it shocking for her. But they don't hurt now because I have been used to it first by my father then gangsters and the list goes on. I'm physically and mentally abused so it could also be a reason that I'm not a perfect match for Marco.

We reached the mansion ordering Aiden to comfort Bella I walked inside my office. Drinking a glass of water, I took a first aid kit and walked to the other wings where Marco was trapped. Lucas followed me "He has turned into a beast how are you going to confront him." I took the card from his hand "I don't know..." shrugged my shoulders.

Opening the first door I entered the other wing of the mansion. These doors are computerized they open with a unique card, this card activates only from the authorized owner. I entered the third room where Marco was trapped, it was dim. There was a light above Marco but maybe he broke it, the walls were crashed maybe he punched them.

And there lies the beast on the ground huffing, his hairs were messed up, shirtless his hands were bleeding. The chain we used for binding him is unique because I designed them. They unlock with a pin the chains give to the prisoner to help them to roam inside the block giving them access to move but not complete access.

Unlocking his chains, I moved closer to him, I was scared as hell to get closer to him. He looked intimidating and dangerous at the same time. Sitting on the ground I crossed down to his level and injected him with an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor which lowers the influence of the drug.

Opening the first-aid box I cleaned his wounds he didn't look up but the moment I turned to pick up some medicines. He choked my neck and slammed my head on the ground. Falling back, I gasped for air but he was squeezing my windpipe choking me to death.

"B-Bella is s-s-a..f..e...." I struggled for air his grip loosens but a black dot appeared and I lost consciousness and that's how I died and met Lucifer.


Hey readers, Thank you for reading this chapter. If you enjoyed this, please let me know in the comments section. I'd appreciate any suggestions you have regarding improvement or things you want to be included in this story. Follow me and stay connected for more such chapters and stories. Have a nice day ❤

Text copyright © Tanushree Sarkar™ 2022

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