Chapter 24

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Marco's POV:

"Let me out of the car... It is my order to do it, Lucas... NOW!!..." I growled at him trying to open the door but it was fucking child locked, he speeds up the car leaving the parking area. I saw in the rear mirror, men dragging Maya behind she smiled in satisfaction like what the fuck she has received.

"Marco... don't be stupid... she did it for you she will be fine..." he explains which made me irritated I grabbed his neck from behind tightening it with my belt, his breath hitched but he continued speeding up the car.

"Stop the car and turn it back that place or I will choke you dead" I continued tightening the hold "... Marco... it... it's for your good... I know someone...who Who... did this" he stated horrified. "Let us get back home I will tell you everything please just get back for now...".

Removing the belt from his neck I sat back on my seat comfortably but annoyed. Our men were losing when we were heading towards the car, she pushed me inside closing the door. She could have entered with me in the car, Russians will not give a second thought to killing Maya.

The security of our house is doubled Bella asked me about Maya, I had to give her an explanation. After a good shower, I changed into something casual and picked up my phone when Cynthia came bargaining into my bedroom "How dare she shot my Zayn? How did you let her do so?" she screamed. "To protect me..." I answered coldly.

"Nicolas has already given her instruction in the contract that she will not harm Zayn and she did it in your presence.... did Why you let her? You don't have control over her or what....".

"What kind of contract?" raising an eyebrow I asked her questionable her face was red in anger and hatred for Maya. "Nicolas made her sign a contract to protect you... By marrying her and giving her the position of your second in command so that she stays with you all the time to protect you...." Her confession boiled my blood.

Nicolas is using her as bait to protect me she is there tortured or the worst killed for me, but why did she agree to such an agreement for money? And why Nicolas is playing such games with me?

Sitting back in my office ce, I thoughts of Maya cursing Lucas and throwing stuff at him. Playing with Alex, he always slept in her arms while cadrovees or when she hugged him while watching cartoon movies. She almost killed Calla for slapping him the way she taunted Calla and her hideous outfits.

When she saw me that day with Calla her eyes were struggling with some kind of emotions that she was hiding. But what were they? We just had some intimate moments together but if she didn't want it then why such emotions were clouding her?

Daniel came inside my office "Where is Maya? Samara, her mother is asking for her... is she out for some work her phone is also dead... is something wrong..." He asked me in rush.

"You are Maya's friend, not mine, and don't you know who am I?" I glared at him he shivered at my words and instantly bowed and apologized for his behavior "King...I'm extremely... sorry... I was in haste and... and..." without listening to him I replied "She is captivated by Russians..." he coughed and his forehead puckered as he raised his voice "WHAT? How can you let that happen? What kind of power you have as a King that you can't even save her?".

Standing up from my leather chair I growled at him "Shut your fucking mouth before I slit it..." he continued "You just know how to suppress weak people and that's how you are king... because for real you are just a dog with two dicks...".

I picked up my gun and shot him, he ducked it. The sound of bullets echoed in the office "You pussy... you are dead for the shit that just spilled out of your fucking mouth...." I pointed the gun at him again he screamed and as I was going to shoot him. Lucas came inside the office with Nicolas, Cynthia, and Bella following him.

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