Chapter 11

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Marco's POV:

Maya was screaming and cursing Lucas the whole time he was cleaning and medicating the wounds, she was annoying but cute. She slept in my arms I didn't remove her because she was sleeping so peacefully clenching my shirt like I was going to run away.

She had some sweat bubbles, I pulled a wet cloth and cleaned her neck and arms when I saw something strange. She had a big cut mark on her arm it was light she had covered it with makeup. I glanced at her peaceful face wanting to know about it being in the mafia cuts and bruises were common but it was painful to see her in that condition my curiosity about her was growing.

She hopped in front of me when the person from the other side was struggling to set the target which was very unprofessional but why did she hop in front of the bullet? Why?

"Lucas, find more about her maybe Aiden doesn't know everything" I got up from my seat and muttered to him. Dad was sitting there he was in deep thoughts looking at Maya, I asked him "Is everything alright?" he signed and nodded.

Maya woke up with the bitchy voice of Calla screaming at Lucas and Aiden. She rubbed her eyes, asking for water Isabella was sitting close to her. Isa was comfortable with her. I know my sister was kind but she doesn't make friends so easily because people used her that made her conserved.

"Can we take her to our mansion?" Isa asked her father if she wanted to take care of her and spend more time with her. But we cannot take an outsider to our permanent residence, it could be dangerous.

I denied it, Maya noticed it and tried to convince Isa telling her it is unsafe for them. The best thing that I love about Maya is she is so understanding. Did I use the l-word?

Isa convinced Dad to take her with us and stick her tongue out at me. The car ride was deadly silent Maya was furiously searching for something in her bag. Aiden smiled at her handing them a small packet of gummy bears, she kicked his stomach making him groan.

Maya offered Isa some then turned the packet towards me offering some. I took one she smiled her gestures were adorable. They tasted good more than I expected them to be.

Maya's POV:

Isa took me with her after a long car ride we entered the main gate of the house. It was a big mansion divided into three parts forming a semi-circle entrance that had a big hill on the right-hand side it was a living room with royal chairs and a golden chandelier. Guards and bodyguards were everywhere around each wing. Entering more inside the hall there was a staircase in the middle further dividing different floors.

"Your house is magnificent reflecting royalty" I complimented and looked at Isa "It is nothing so royal about its just...." She was interrupted by a female voice.

"Nicolas, I need to talk to you about......" she looked at then at Isa with confusion.

Isa: "This is Maya, she will live with us," she told her and looked at me "Maya this is my mom Cynthia...." I bowed in respect and greeted her.

Cynthia: "Oh my god Maya, you are clothes are covered in blood, and what happened? Are you okay?" she scanned me in concern.

Maya: "I'm absolutely fine.... Mam" she was a very gracious lady, "You can call me Cynthia no need to be so formal I'm not Queen at home, just a mother fed up with her children".

I giggled at her response Marco looked at me and then took me to show the guest room. He didn't say anything through the hallway, I guessed that he is not happy with Isa's decision to bring me here and I understand his position.

"Isa will get you some clothes get dressed and meet me in my office I want to talk to you about some things," Nicolas said to me before leaving I nodded.

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