Chapter 15

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Maya's POV:

Nicolas has given me a big responsibility the only thing that was scaring me was Marco's reaction to it. He will hate me for ages checking on my mother I went back to my room, Marco was sitting on my bed.

Marco: "Close the door" he ordered I did.

Maya: "Is everything alright?" he was looking dull and deep in thoughts.

Marco: "Tomorrow there is a family gathering here in our house..." I sigh there is much more than that he will hate me and not care for me at all. This is killing me "..... my brother will be here try to avoid him, we are not on good terms with him. He is here because of my mother... Just stay away from him he can hurt.... I'm just worried about you.... And...."

Maya: "And? ......"

Marco: "I'm so...sorry for hurting you I didn't want to but.." looking down at the floor. What is he apologizing for? I wasn't shocked but felt sad about he does care for me but everything will change tomorrow after Nicolas, his father will announce me as the third wife and Marco's second in command.

Apologizing was hard for him I knew after all he is the king. Putting these efforts will be wasted but why is he doing these? Does he...?

"I know you are hiding something from me... but I will not force you to say.... If you ever need me... just say it ....." coming closer to me he cupped my cheeks and placed a soft kiss on the forehead. His hazel-grey eyes were filled with lust and passion they were enchanting me. It felt like his gaze can look through me, he moved towards the door to leave. I wanted to do this the day I met him at the ball.

Third person POV:

Marco turned towards her, he was looking into her eyes something was bothering her. It was hurting Marco when she was suppressing her emotions. Marco was going to ask her but she placed a finger on his lips tracing them with her fingertips. She pulled him closer placing his hand on her back. He pulled her more into his chest both of them losing their urge to resist. Their gentle pecks on the lips descended into passionate kisses, Marco kissed her back with more passion. He was tasting like whiskey that he had before coming into her room and Maya loved it. Breaking  kisses for the oxygen they walked towards her bed, Maya pulled him on top of her.

Marco was losing himself to her she took off his shirt. Roaming her hands on his body, Marco deepens his kisses as her nails dig on his back. Playing with his hair Maya started to grind on him. Marco removed her top revealing her in her bra he sucked on her neck biting it, her flawless skin was getting wet by his kisses. She sucked a breath separating from each other Marco observed her body pushing a strand of hair behind her neck.

"Stop here... or it will end as me inside you...I know you want it but not now...." Marco smirked and covered her with a blanket.

"Stay with me tonight" Maya appealed and he couldn't deny her.

Marco snuggled in her blanket pulling her closer to his chest, she cuddled him and murmured "Marco..." and got a hmm in response. "...I will never hurt you that's just...". "I know baby, don't think about it too much... sleep" Marco kissed her forehead and cuddled with her as sleep took over them.

The next morning when Maya woke up he was not there, of course, he left. She went to the gym it was in the other wing of the house according to Lucas. After spending hours in the gym, she was exhausted laying on the floor closing her eyes. Lucas entered the gym "Oh yes she's dead. Now I'm ranked one in Mafia. Dreams come true...."

"Hate to break it to you, but I'm still alive...."

"Dream shattered....." Lucas acted dramatically "Go get changed they are coming in the next few hours".

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