Chapter 36

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Maya's POV:

Amara just came here a few weeks back and he fell for her. I shouldn't be sad... I knew because he wasn't mine and we weren't in any relationship. But I felt sad and wanted to scream because he was something special to me. I turned silent taking slow breaths on the couch of his office waiting for him to finish whatever he was doing.

Stuffing air pods in my ears I played some music to distract myself. Lucas pats my shoulders I smiled weakly he knew that I cared for Marco this duffer knew but that Marco didn't. Throwing my head back on the couch I embraced my loneliness closing my eyes. Maybe we were meant to break and just enjoy a few chapters together.

Aiden entered the office lowering his head, he has ruined himself from the day Bella is kidnapped. Either he is high or he is drunk never sober to work. His eyes met mine they were red from crying and weed. I gestured for him to sit, and he did "D-Did you found something about her?" he asked.

Shaking my head in disapproval I plugged out one air pod "No... but I have an idea..." they turned to look at me with hope "... make Macro accept to sign the agreement and talk to Zayn. When he will talk with him, I will track his location but don't tell anything about this to Marco..." they nodded.

"But how will we confirm that he has captured Bella in the same location..." Lucas questioned. Shrugging my shoulder, I replied "I don't know I just have a gut feeling" Aiden massaged his forehead and commented, "You are dangerous...." Giggling I responded, "I prefer Lethal..."

It could be dangerous if we didn't find the exact location Marco would have to sign the agreement and I have to...... Nah we will bring Bella back. I'm trusting my gut feeling this time because there isn't any safe option.

Marco came out of his office our eyes met but I felt nothing, he had shower water dripping from his hair. Wearing casuals, I turned my face avoiding his heated gaze and signaled Lucas. He nodded his head and explained the situation to Marco and made him agree to sign the agreement. Amara stood behind Marco's chair graciously that she has accomplished her goal.

"What about Maya?" Marco asked glimpsing at me from his side-eyes. Oh really, you are so much caring about me that you fucked up, stop this drama. Man whore. Aiden replied, "She can handle it... we need to worry about Bella first".

Lucas filled my cup with whiskey gulping it down I glanced at Marco. He took a bite of the food and was looking at me thinking about something then agreed to call Zayn. Lucas glimpsed in my direction I smirked, and Amara looked between me and Lucas.

Dropping a mail to Zayn's headquarter we waited for the call, Aiden passed me my laptop. Arranging the system, I connected the music to my headphones because I don't want to hear their heated conversation it distracts me from wanting to kill someone.

Marco got the call Lucas turned the timer on his watch and looked at me. Enjoying the music, I nodded Marco picked up the call. Turning to my laptop screen and started typing fast-tracking Zayn's location.

"FUCK... That shit head cut the call before 4 minutes" Lucas was exasperated when Zayn cut the call before completion of the procedure which takes 4 to 5 minutes for any hacker. Marco taunted us for our childish behavior and for not taking things seriously. Aiden smirked and gave me a thumbs up leaving the office.

Third-person POV:

Marco wants everyone to work according to him like robots one wrong step and they get killed. But Maya is self-dependent, dominating, and likes to work on her conditions. They repel each other personalities but sometimes they like to break the rules for each other.

Neither Marco nor Maya knows how to love like lovers but that doesn't mean they don't care for each other or understand them. They do but Amara came between their love it wasn't even her mistake she was doing as told. Cynthia as a mother and Mafia Queen wanted Marco to have more power in the Mafia. And Marco as a son abides by her wishes because of the power of attorney and promise related to it between family members.

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