Period Pain

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A/n This first one shot has so Eddie in it but its a cute Robin/Steve story. I don't ship these two, its purely platonic. Backstory; Robin gets really really bad period pains so every month Steve lets her stay over and they watch movies and eat junk.

Steve pulled up outside of Robins and made his way up the steps, to the front door. He knocked twice and opened it, walking through. He called hi to Robins mother in the kitchen and ran upstairs to his best friend.

She was moving slowly around her room, picking up clothes and shoving them into her bag. She saw him and promptly collapsed on her bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her as he moved to finish what she started.

She groaned in response, and he laughed softly. That bad, huh?

She nodded. "No shit."

Steve rolled his eyes and closed her bag. He then grabbed her pillow and a blanket from her cupboard. "Ready to go?"

She nodded and slowly stood up.

"I'll go throw your shit in my car, then I'll come back for you. Kay?"

She nodded and sat down again. Steve ran downstairs and threw Robins stuff in the backseat before going back into the house to robin.

"Can you walk?"

She nodded but pulled a face when she stood up. They eventually made it back to Steve's car and they both climbed in.

"What movies are we watching?" Robin asked him, turning down the music a bit.

Steve shrugged. "I dunno, we can choose when we get back."

When they got to Steve's house, it was around 8 pm. He made her bed in the guest room that she usually used, hanging up a few of her clothes in the cupboard, and putting her painkillers on the bedside table.

She was gonna be here for at least four days and he wanted her to be comfortable. When he went back downstairs, Robin had chosen a movie and sat on the couch wrapped in a blanket.

"What did you choose?"

"Top gun, it's a new one."

Steve shrugged and sat on the couch next to her, with his feet curled up under himself. Robin leaned her head on his shoulder, and they sat there for a while.



"Thanks for this.. it means a lot." She looked down at her hands.

He smiled. "It's the least I could do Rob. You look after me."

"I love you." She sighed.

Steve was silent for a second. "I love you too Rob."

Eventually Robin fell asleep and Steve glanced at her. She looked peaceful, he didnt want to wake her up. Steve carefully lifted her and walked her up to her room. He tucked her in and quietly closed the door.

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