To us!

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Steve's PoV

Eddie and I were cuddling on my living room couch, watching TV. He moved his arm away from my arm and checked the time on his watch.

"It's nearly 4 and we have to be at Henderson's at 5." He said.

I groaned. "Fine."

We both got off the couch and I pecked Eddie's cheek before going for a shower. I washed my hair and then got out, going to my room to find clothes.

Eddie was laying on my bed and looked up at me, smirking. "Nice shower?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "We don't have time. Maybe later."

He stood up and walked over to me, wrapping his hands around my waist. "I plan on being incredibly hammered later."

I looked into his deep brown eyes that always gave me butterflies. "Right. Guess I have to be your sober Bob then."

He snorted. "Please. When have you ever been sober?"

I gasped. "I haven't gotten black out drunk in a few years thank you very much. Now let go of me, I need to get changed for Dustin's party."

He kissed my neck and I shivered. "Please?"

"Sorry Ed's. Lucas and Max would kill us if we were late."

I gently pushed him away and he shrugged. "Alright then. I'm gonna go for a quick shower."

I smiled and kissed his cheek before pushing him out for my room so I could changed into my clothes. I threw on a pair of jeans and a black shirt, it was comfortable but I still looked nice.

Eddie emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped dangerously low around his waist and his hair dripping wet. My heart skipped a few beats and I averted my eyes.

"Like what you see, Harrington?" He asked, a smug look on his fast.

"What- I- go put some clothes on."

Smooth Steve. Real smooth.

He just laughed and dug around for his clothes. I quickly left the room before changing my earlier decision and did my hair.

About 45 minutes later we were both dressed, hair done and shoes on, ready for a party. I grabbed my keys and we both got into my car.

Eddie was holding the wrapped present and card for Dustin as we drove to Dustin's house. We pulled up across the road and left the present in the car, making our way up the driveway.

Mrs Henderson opened the door when I knocked and she smiled at us both.

"Hi boys. It's so nice for you to take Dusty out for his first legal drink."

Eddie smiled charmingly. "Our pleasure. Are you sure you don't want to come?"

Mrs Henderson chuckled. "Oh no, dear. I wouldn't want to ruin your fun. But if you do need a driver to get home, you know my number."

We both nodded and she moved aside to let us in. I led the way to Dustin's room and knocked on his door before opening it.

A few of the kids were sitting around his room, talking and laughing.

"Hey guys." I said as we walked in and I took a seat on the bed next to Dustin.

"Happy 18th!" Eddie said as he hugged Dustin.

"Thanks Eddie." He answered.

Eddie went to annoy robin and I hugged Dustin. "Happy birthday dude. You excited for your first legal drink?"

He nodded excitedly. "Obviously! Now that everyone's here can we go?"

I nodded and we all stood up and ran out to my car, chattering excitedly. Dustin was the last (excluding Erica) to turn 18 and we had all bought him a drink but tonight was his first legal drink.

"How's Erica feel about missing tonight?" I asked Lucas as we walked down the driveway.

"She's pissed but she obviously couldn't come." He shrugged.

Eddie reached the drivers door before I did so I tossed him the keys and jumped in the basckseat as Robin had already claimed the front.

Since there were so many of us, no one in the back was wearing seatbelts and we were all smushed together. Since Will was small, he was sitting on a small spot of Robins seat up the front.

El was sitting on Max's lap, on the floor behind robins seat with his legs up and the rest of us were fighting for spots on what was left of the backseat.

It only got crazier when "Dancing Queen" by ABBA ( shut up) came on the radio and we all wound down our windows and screamed the lyrics into the night.

You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet
Only seventeen
Dancing queen
Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah
You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh, see that girl
Watch that scene
Digging the dancing queen
Digging the dancing queen

We pulled up to the club and all climbed out and I laughed at the mental image of clowns getting out of a clown car.

Robin flicked a piece of hair out of her face. "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing. Poor bouncers gonna have a blast checking everyone's ID's."

Robin snorted. "Yeah. Group of kids looks slightly suspicious."

We went in order from oldest to youngest to make the job slightly easier for the bouncer. He got to Dustin and looked up at him.

"It's your birthday?"

Dustin nodded nervously.

The bouncer smiled and handed the ID back to him. "Happy 18th. Enjoy your night."

We all cheered and the four boys entered the club with their arms around each-other. We found a table big enough for us all towards the back of the room.

Eddie and I had decided we would both pay for Dustin's first drink. (Tradition in my family says the father buys the person their first legal drink and since Dustin doesn't have one I thought it should be even.)

And we ordered him a simple beer.

Before he opened it, I stood up, holding my own drink in the air.

"I just wanted to say a few things. I first befriended Dustin about 8 years ago when he wanted me to help him capture his pet demodog. We barely knew eachother but he just needed help so I agreed. I almost died that night but it was probably the best decision of my life. Then he introduced me to you guys and yeah. I guess what im trying to say is that without him I wouldn't be were I am today, and I am so very proud of this guy and all of his achievements. I love you buddy and Happy birthday. To us!"

I raised my glass and the others copied me, before we all took a sip. I don't remember much after that if I'm being honest..

My apology for the most recent chapter of "Five Stages of Grief". Sorry besties but I can't promise it won't happen again.

Fun random fact about me; I was born Melbourne cup day in a leap year and because of the leap year the next time my birthday will be on Melbourne cup (first Tuesday of November) I will be turning 18 which means I'll be allowed to celebrate Melbourne cup with drinks :)))

My last week of school is almost over!!

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