A Bouquet of Tulips

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A/n some angst for y'all.

"I'm so so so sorry Steve." Robin said, quietly. There were still tear tracks down her face, and Steve felt a lump in his throat.

"No. No no" Steve said, his voice cracked and he fell to the ground, landing on his knees.

"He can't be- he- there's no way." He yelled in agony.

Robin flinched and then kneeled down beside him "Steve.. he's gone. Dustin's gone."

Tears dropped down Steve's face and he gasped. "No no no no."

Robin stared at him, lost for words. Watching her best friend so hurt made tears stung her eyes again.

Steve looked to the sky and screamed, hopeful that maybe this would account for the internal pain. He was extremely disappointed when it didn't.

Robin held our her arms and he collapsed into them. Robin stroked Steve's hair, trying to calm the sobbing boy.

Three Months Later

Steve gripped his backpack strap and carefully pushed open the creaking gate. He followed the dirt path to the graves, and turned right at Tony Smith's grave.

He walked along till he saw Dustin's gravestone, sitting under the willow tree. Steve walked over and sat on the grass next to the stone, under the tree.

"Hey buddy." Steve said quietly.

Steve would come to visit the gravesite a few times a week, and he'd sit in the shade and talk to Dustin. He'd tell him about his day, he'd complain about the weather, he'd tell Dustin all about how Claudia refused to let anyone into his room.

"Oh shit- sorry. I didn't know you'd be here." Steve heard a voice and stood up, turning around.

Eddie stood just out of reach of the shade, a bouquet of tulips in his hand. His hair was tied in a bun on top of his head, and his free hand was rubbing the back of his neck.

Steve's heart skipped a beat and he tried to find his words.

"I'll just come back later." Eddie said quietly and he turned back and started walking.

"Wait!" Steve called out.

Eddie turned back and raised his eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"Stay. It'll be nice to have company for once."

Eddie smiled and jogged back up to where Steve was standing. They both sat back down again and Eddie gently placed the tulips on Dustin's grave.

It was quiet for a little while until Steve spoke.

"Robin told me you where there.. when it happened."

Eddie nodded sadly. "I was. It was so fast. They just came down and ripped.. ripped-"

"It's okay. I know what happened." Steve said kindly, resting his hand on Eddie's leg.

Eddie looked away. "Yknow.. as I was holding him, he had one last wish."

Eddie turned back and locked eyes with Steve, who tilted his head curiously.


Eddie nodded and his cheeks turned slightly pink.

"He wanted me to be nicer to you. He wanted us to be friends." Steve said suddenly.

Dustin was always on his case about hanging out with Eddie and how they'd be great friends.

Eddie nodded. "How'd you know?"

"Call it.. mothers intuition." Steve shrugged. Eddie laughed and Steve smiled at him.

For the first time in months, both boys were happy.

Since I'm depressed you guys have to be too 🔫 (kidding)

I hope you enjoyed this angsty but fluffy chapter and I'm sorry for not uploading it yesterday :(

How are you guys feeling today?

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