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A/n I wrote this in honor of my anniversary with one of my now ex, partners. Um I don't know if they'll read this, but if they do. I just want to say thank you for the last year.

Steve's PoV
Robin blindfolded me and led me out to her car. She had turned up to my house, wearing a nice dress and holding a tuxedo for me. She made me get changed and put the blindfold on.

Tonight is my one year anniversary with Eddie and I'm feeling a bit down because I've only spoken to him once today, in the morning before he had to go to work.

He hadn't even mentioned any plans for tonight to me, so I just assumed we were gonna sit at home and watch a movie, maybe order in for dinner. I must admit, i was feeling a bit upset about that until Robin showed up and I started to get suspicious.

"Can you just tell me where you're taking me?"

I could hear the smile when she replied. "No."

"This is kidnapping, Rob."

"Oh well." She said mock sadly as we turned a corner.

I tried to figure out where we were by how many times we turned but eventually I gave up, until I heard the waves crashing and smelt the salt in the air.

I didn't say anything to Robin until she parked and opened my door for me.
"Are we at the beach?" I asked.

"Maybe, maybe not."

I groaned. "When can i take this stupid thing off."

"In a second princess, I promise." Eddie said.

My face lit up when I heard his voice. He pulled me in by my waist and kissed me. Robin cleared her throat and Eddie took a step back from me.

He slid the blindfold off my face and I blinked a few times. Eddie was wearing a tuxedo similar to mine, but he wasn't wearing the jacket and his sleeves were rolled up.

I looked around a spotted a blanket down the beach a little bit. There were fairy lights around the edge of it, and two pillows. I saw a wicker basket resting in the middle of the blanket and a candle, with its wick dancing in the breeze.

I turned back to Eddie, my mouth slightly agape. He smiled proudly and held out his arm. I took it and he led me down to the blanket.

"How'd you do this?" I asked excitedly.

"I took the afternoon off, and Robin kind of helped. She bought fairy lights and kidnapped you."

I nodded and sat down. "Well, kudos to you, it's very romantic."

He bowed once before sitting down. "Glad you like it."

We sat together, talking and laughing. The sun started setting and Eddie stood up, dragging me with him. We ran down to the edge of the water and kicked our shoes off.

I glanced away from Eddie to admire the sunset, and when I turned back, he was down on one knee with an open ring box in his hand.

I started grinning so hard my cheeks hurt and my eyes started stinging with tears.

"Steven Ethan Harrington, you make me so fucking happy. Your laugh, your smile, your hair. I love the way you avoid cracks in the pavement when you walk, I love the way you dedicate your time to the kids, I love the way you automatically smile when you hear rain. I love you, and if you'll have me, I'd love to marry you. So, Steve, will you marry me?" He asked, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.

I gasped and I felt a tear fall down my face. "Yes! Yes I will marry you!"

Eddie's face broke out in his stupid grin and he slid the ring onto my finger. He stood up and kissed me, than twirled me in the air. We both laughed and then kissed again.

He put me down and we stood together with our foreheads pressed against eachother, waves lapping at our feet.

"Whoo! Yes!" Robin yelled out, followed by a set of applause. I turned and saw her running down the beach to us, her dress flying in the wind behind her.

Jonathan followed behind her, his camera hanging around his neck. Robin crashed into me and Eddie and she squeezed us.

"I'm so happy for you guys." Her voice cracked.

"Aw are you crying?" I asked.

She stepped back and wiped her tears. "No, just salt in the air."

I giggled and Eddie rolled his eyes. Jonathan caught up and hugged each of us.

"Congrats guys. This is really great for you both." He said as he clapped me on the back.

"We hired Jonathan to do the photos for us." Eddie said. I could see the pride on his face and I smiled lovingly at him.

Robin got out of the way and we spent the next twenty minutes taking photos with the orange setting sun in the background.

It truely was the most special and romantic night of my life.

I did have to make some changes to this and it really was bittersweet. Today would've been our one year anniversary I'm doing alright, just taking it slow and being kind to myself.

Hope you're all enjoying your days :)

Edit; not me forgetting to post this. It was actually supposed to be put up 29/12 but I'm doing it now cause I can't be bothered waiting till December this year.

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