This Is For You Chrissy

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First interaction <3

Chrissy's PoV
Mum dropped me off a block away from school like she always did, so I would 'get more exercise' and be more fit. Or whatever.

"Oi Chrissy looking good in that skirt!" one of the Jocks called as I walked across the parking lot.

"Yeah Chrissy give us a twirl." Another one chimed in.

I stopped walking and slowly turned around. A bunch of the basketball boys were sitting in an around the ute of a pick up truck.

"You're a bunch of miserable-" I was cut off by their ring leader who was standing a little bit away at a different car talking to someone.

He jogged over to me. "Hey- what's wrong?"

"Did you seriously not hear what they were saying?"

He shook his head. "Sorry I was talking to my dad- what were they saying?"

Before I had a chance to say anything one of the boys yelled out "Don't listen to her she crazy! She's probably on her period or something!"

Jason curled his fist. "Oi mate! That's really fucked up, yeah? Leave her alone!"

I smiled grimly at him. "Thanks, I've gotta go to class now."

"What class? I can walk you. Yknow, make sure nothing else happens?" He gave me a dumb grin and I considered it.

"Yeah.. Why not? I've got history." I responded.

"Same!" He smiled and we both turned back to the school and continued walking.

"You're Chrissy, right?"

"Uh huh. And you're Jason? Captain of the basketball team?"

He nodded. "I'm surprised you knew that! I don't usually see you around."

I sighed and smiled. "I try to keep a low profile."

"I don't see why, you're very-" he stopped talking and turned slightly pink.

"Very what?" I asked, giggling.

"Sweet." he answered.

Jason opened the History door for me and I walked through and took my seat in the middle row.

Jason's PoV
Just like yesterday, I got to school in time to see Chrissy walking across the parking lot to class.

"Hey Chrissy!" I yelled out, trying to get her attention.

She spun around and smiled. She has a nice smile.

I ran over to her. "Hi!"

"Hi! What do you have first up?" she asked, curiously.

"Uhm- today's Friday so... English!"

"Oh- I've got math." She looked disappointed.

"Don't worry, it's only down the hall. I can walk you again-?"

Chrissy smiled again. "Sure! It was really.. Cool of you yesterday to stand up for me. A lot of people just let them cat call."

"That's something I'll never understand, because it's so disrespectful and it must be really annoying. Honestly some of those guys are jerks but some of them are alright."

She nodded along. "At least there's still some good in the world."

Just before she went into the math class room, I stopped her.

"Hey Chrissy?"

"Yeah?" She asked, confused.

"Um, do you wanna get an ice cream or something after school?" I shuffled my feet.

"Like a date?"

I nodded and her face broke out in a grin.

"Yeah okay! I'll see you later at 4! That cool?"

"Yeah- that's great! I'll see you then!"

She kissed my cheek and then just like that she was gone.

I'm writing this to piss off the Jason haters and the hellcheer shippers even though I highly doubt there are the latter in here.

(Probably) the last chapter of the day!

Q: What's your opinion on Jason?

"Chrissy, I love you babe" -Jason Carver

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