Good boy

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Just a cute little Au (Steve's the tattoo artist cause yeah why not)

Eddie's PoV

Me and Robin jumped out of my van and I followed her into the tattoo shop. We stood at the counter, and she tapped the bell once.

A guy slightly taller than me with blonde hair, enchancing hazel eyes emerged from the back room.

Robin nudged me and sent a knowing smile at me. I rolled my eyes and smiled at the guy.

He looked too.. Perfect to be a tattoo artist. His hair was neatly styled, he only had one piercing on his heliex and no visible tattoos. As I was analysing him I realised who it was.

"Steve Harrington?" His name fell out of my mouth before I even realised.

He looked up from the computer with a confused smile. "Yeah?"

"I didn't know you worked here man." I tried to cover my surprise by confidently leaning against the counter and I ignored Robin's snicker.

"Oh- yeah. It's a surprise I know! I flunked out of college and found my passion for art and tattooing and here I am."

I nodded along. "I guess I neve pictured you to be..."

"Artistic? Metal? Hardcore?" he supplied.

I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, yeah."

He chuckled. "I get that a lot. How can I help you both today?"

"I made an appointment." Robin said casually. Almost too casually. Suddenly I remembered they're besties and she probably set me up.

"Yeah I know" he sighed. "Both of you are getting tattooed, yes?"

Robin nodded excitedly. "Uh huh! Also can you get Vickie to do mine."

He smirked and tapped a few keys. "Sure. I just gotta go talk to her I'll be back in a sec."

We both nodded and watched as he went back into the other room. I turned to Robin.
"This was a set up wasn't it!" I hissed.

She smiled sweetly. "What are you talking about?"

"Coming to this parlour. You knew he worked here!"

She shrugged. "So what? You'd be cute together."

"Rob he's straight! He-"

"Shut up he's coming back." She whispered harshly.

"Vickie's just gotta finish up her client but Eddie you can come with me now." He smiled and rubbed his hands together.

I followed him through the curtains to the empty chair and sat down.

As Steve put on his gloves he smiled at me. "So what were you getting?"

"I was gonna get two. A butterfly on my collarbone and a semi colon on the side of my wrist."

His smile faltered slightly. "Sounds good. We'll do the semi colon first just cause it's smaller then the butterfly."

I nodded again and watched as he put ink in the pen and turned it on. There was a dull buzzing noise as he grabbed my arm gently.

I clenched my teeth slightly. It hurt a little, less than some of my other tattoos.

"So you wanna talk about.. it?"

"Oh- okay. Well, a couple years ago I was bullied a lot by, well, you."

He winced. "I'm really sorry about everything I did when we were younger.. I was a dick."

"I'm touched you even remember that." I was only half being sarcastic.

Steve nodded and wiped my wrist with a paper towel. "Continue"

"And uh- yeah it got too much and I almost ended it. But then I met Robin at school band and we became friends which gave me a reason to stay I guess."

Steve nodded along, concentrating as he tidied up the tattoo. When he was done he wiped it again and put cream on the site, placing a clear bandage on.

"Well that's the first one done. Take off your shirt." He said, nonchalantly.

I smiled. "Why? Didn't think you wanted to see me shirtless so badly."

He rolled his eyes and busied himself with the pen. "I need if off otherwise you have to hold your shirt weirdly for ages."

"Sure Harrington. Sure." I lifted my shirt off and threw it to the side, still sitting down. I caught Steve's eye and he turned slightly Pink and looked away.

Steve lowered the chair so it was almost laying flat so he had a better angle. He cleared his throat and leant near my face, he was so close I could feel his breath.

"What about this one?" he asked.


"The butterfly. I know what the semi colon is for, but what about the butterfly?"

I paused before answering. "My mum. She died a few Years back and I wanted something to honor her. She always loved butterfly's and their symbolism of new beginnings and stuff so I though it was fitting."

His mouth formed a perfect 'O'.
"I'm sorry about your loss. Can I ask what happened?"

I half shrugged, trying my best to not disrupt his work. "One day I just came home from school and both my parents were gone. She died that day and he didn't wanna stick around so I moved in with my uncle."

"That sounds a bit shit."

He went over my actual bone and I sucked a deep breath in. It always hurt more over a bone than on the flesh.

I released my breath and he wiped the unfinished tattoo with a cloth.

"Good boy."

I froze under his touch. What did he just say? And why did I kind of like it? Fuck. No I didn't, did I? Oh god.

He lent closer to my collarbone and smirked slightly.

We finally finished and before he bandaged it up Steve handed me a mirror so I could get a better look at it.

It was a simple but elegant butterfly, with no colour as to keep up my appearance.

"You like it?"

I nodded slightly, still examining it. He smiled and wrapped it up.

I followed him back to the front room. "It should heal fairly easily but if you have any problems just call me, okay?"

"Uh huh. I just need your number." I grinned.

He smiled and rolle his eyes, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. He jotted something down, then folded it in half and passed it to me.

"You're smooth, Munson."

I tucked the paper into my back jean pocket and took a seat as Steve started typing on the computer.

Robin emerged from one of the other rooms looking very flustered. She was followed by Vickie who whispered something to Steve. He nodded and waved goodbye to me and Robin before going into one of the back rooms.

We paid and said goodbye to Vickie. As we walked back to my van I read the note.

We should hangout some time. Here's my number:

I smiled and shot a look back at the little shop.

I saw this tweet chain and instantly Steddie Popped into my brain so I just had to write it. It took m longer than usual cause I'm on my phone for once but yeah.

Also this is a really long one shot compared to the rest of them. I think my average one shot is 600-800 ish and this one is 1178 without the authors note I think.

Hope you enjoyed!


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