I'm Sick of Pretending to be Fine

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Tw: Suicide, medical procedure (kinda) f slur.
(Before they're dating)

Eddie's PoV
Every word thrown at me ran around in my head in circles. I acted like they didn't bother me. That each stare, whisper or slur didn't mean anything.

I'm sick of pretending to be fine. I'm sick of smiling when someone calls me a fag. I'm sick of playing along with the freak title when it hurts everytime someone says it.

But mostly, I'm sick and tired of living and keeping this false sense of hope up. All I want is peace, love and respect. But I'll never get any of those things.

I sat at my desk in my room and took out a sheet of paper and my nicest pen. I scribbled out the following note;

I am so sorry that I wasn't strong enough to stick around I'm sorry that it had to end this way.
I promise I tried. I tried to pretend, I tried to play along. But it didn't work. This isn't any of your faults, there's no way you could've known.
I love you all and goodluck

I folded it neatly and on the back I addressed it to 'Friends'. I stood up and walked into the bathroom. I rumaged around the cupboards trying to find the medicine.

I finally found it and went back to my room, closing the door behind me. I put my headphones on and started blasting Master of Puppets by Metallica.

I read the back of the pills. 'Do not take more than suggested dose. Consult a doctor before use. '

It was my uncles prescription so I wouldn't need to take much. Probably only like three or four. Maybe five.

I opened it and slowly tipped a few into my hand. I grabbed a cup of water and took the meds, laying back down and waiting.

Steve's PoV
Eddie wasn't answering his phone but he always said I could come over anytime I wanted to I decided to drive to his place.

I pulled up to his trailer and his van was parke outside so I knocked on the front door. A few times actually. He didn't answer so I tried opening it, and it was unlocked.

I let myself in and looked around. His Uncle was probably at work, so I crossed over the lounge room to Eddie's room, knocking a few times.

"Ed's? You there?" I called out.

There was no answer so I tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Eddie? Hello!?"

I remembered a trick Nancy taught me a few Years back, that you could use a bobby pin to open a door. Shittily enough, I don't wear bobby pins anymore.

.. But I do keep them in my back pocket for Robin. I grabbed one and bent it, sticking it into the keyhole.

I twisted it open with a satisfied "aha!"

The sight inside Eddie's room horrified him. At first I thought he fell asleep with his music on, but then I noticed the pills next to him and my blood turned cold.

I rushed forward, shaking his arm. He was unresponsive so I checked his pulse, which was still there, just very softly.

"Jesus Christ!" I yelled as I ran to the phone in the lounge room.

I quickly dialed 911 and I was greeted by the operators smooth voice. "911 what's your emergency?"

"Hi um- I think my friends overdosed. I just got to his house and- and.."

"Okay sir. I need you to remain calm, an ambulance is on its way. Is he still conscious?"

"Um no- no he's not." the panic was edging back into my voice.

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