Dynamics 0.1

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A/n so there are a few friendship dynamics that's arent really talked about a lot so idk the next few chapters will be kinda like, head canons for each friend ship I guess.

Eleven x Lucas

⚘ They arrive early at some sort of hang out, and then realise they never really talk so they start and they realise they actually really like an enjoy eachothers company.

⚘ When Max is in the hospital, it's often just those two with her. El listens as Lucas reads comics to both her and Max, and El tells stories (real and made up) to Max and Lucas.

⚘ Max is in the hospital for ages so they start looking after her by brushing her hair, doing her nails ect. They bond over this : )

⚘Lucas is the first person to suggest to teach El and Max d&d, an he helps them both design their characters. (With wills help ofc)

Max x Will

⚘ Like El, Will has trouble embracing who he is, and Max helps boost his confidence by taking him shopping, getting mani pedis together, and teaching that there's 'more to life than stupid boys.'

⚘ Max can't draw to save her life, so Will starts teaching her how to. She gets better really quickly, but Will is still better than her.

⚘ When Mike upsets Will, Max will bring Will ice cream, snacks, hot chocolate and movies. They sit around gossiping and Max talks shit about Mike.

⚘ When Byler finally happens, Max fangirls a lot cause she's so happy for both her friends. (No matter how much she hates Mike)

Nancy x El x Max

⚘ Nancy is both of their big sister. She teaches them how to do makeup and she always knows how to cheer them both up.

⚘ They have sleepovers sometimes and talk shit about people, doing skin care and generally having a good time.

⚘ Like Steve, Nancy also has cute bonds with the kids, but it's slightly different (she's not as close to them). She still drives them around, takes them to the mall, defends them.

Eddie x Nancy

⚘ Nancy is kind of up tight, and Eddie is the opposite. Eddie always suggests dumb shit like going clubbing or jumping into the pool fully clothed, and Nancy shoots him down.

⚘ Despite her not supporting his dumb ideas, she still follows along, making sure no one gets too hurt.

⚘ Eddie sells nancy her first blunt and in exchange she tutors him.

⚘ Nancy doesn't really care what she wears or looks like, but she's going on a date an has no idea who to call. Half an hour later, Eddie, Steve and Will are standing in her room going through her stuff trying to find clothes to wear, they're doing her hair and make up, the works.

As you realised, I'm doing this cause I'm lazy/ busy.
Any suggestions for friend dynamics?

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