5 : shocking news

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"Ma'am would you like tea or coffee?"  A marine soldier asked and I shook my head and rested my head on my palm as I look on to smoker starring at me.

Gramps let out a hum and called over a den den mushi, "Sengoku big news, I have a surprise for you call over the warlords for a meeting." Garp chucked.

"Garp I can't always call out meetings for you."

"Eh don't care and won't care, hakuna matata my friend." I burst out laughing as gramps smirked

"Why you?!?, *sigh's* this news better be good or im gonna give you a load of paper works."

"What ever you say bye." Garp hang up and looked at me, "are you nervous my dear?" He questioned and I shook my head.

"No just..surprised.." I murmured "you know I'm too fragile to take the title gramps.." I frowned and he only shook his head.

"You'll be fine, at this rate none of the navy will hunt for you that unless you betray them." He chuckled.

"I know but, isn't this too fast? I got myself a pretty high bounty and now I'm signing in as a warlord myself." I whined and Gramps just chuckled.

"I just want you to be safe, I know how reckless you are I mean look at your bruises already." I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Will the other warlords hurt me? I mean I look pretty weak." Gramps shook his head, "No if they do that I will beat them."

"Gramps no, I wanna protect myself, I hate being fragile, I regret having this body ever since I was born." I slowly cried.

What does she mean fragile, so those bruises from her arm and wrist were just from an impact? I thought she was abused...she's more even fragile than I thought she is. but what am I feeling? I feel like I wanna stay with her and protect her. It's impossible that she's THAT fragile. Smoker thought to himself.


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