28 : barrel

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"Gramps!" You yelled as you got your small bag ready, the bag contains your usual stuffs and the jackets you've borrowed by Eustass, marco and Trafalgar. A bag of money, Aokiji's sleeping mask that you stole, some rice crackers since your grampa Sengoku packed it for you on your journey and lastly your katana and revive book.

"What is it?" Sengoku and Garp went to the balcony to see you and an empty barrel. "I'm off!" You yelled, "Where's your boat?" Aokiji asked you as he leaned on the railing of the balcony.

"This." You grinned as you patted the small barrel beside you, "a goddamn barrel? Are you crazy or your just dumb." Sakazuki cocked an eyebrow as you laughed.

"Watch and learn saka-chan." You grinned as sakazuki rolled his eyes and everyone began to wave goodbye to you.

"Seriously why can't she just use a normal boat." Smoker grunted as he crossed his arms as he let out a tch, "[Name]-chan is so odd sometimes but she's so cute when she does stupid things!" Tashigi closed smiled at smoker as hina narrowed her eyes on tashigi.

"Now did Dr. Vegapunk instealled it on her?" Sengoku quesitoned, "installed what?" Aokiji quesitoned. "The tracker."

"You let that crazy scientists install on what to her?!?" Garp yelled as sakazuki let out a tch before sitting on the couch. "We need to have eyes on her at all times." Sakazuki explained.

"Without even my permission? She's a grown adult now!" Garp gritted his teeth, "She's a naive 19 year old girl." Sengoku stated as he sat down on his chair.

"We agreed she would be a pirate from the start. You agreed it, if she's gonna be a pirate let us atleast see what is she up to, all that roger she saw and the revive book she claimed is so shady. We need to watch her moves."

"Your just crazy." Garp angrily walks out, "my, my, it seems like Garp doesn't like the idea of the tracker, where is [Name]-San going now, hm?" Kizaru said.

"Let's see.." Sengoku got out a snail-phone that can see where you were going. "She's heading for the island where a rookie pirate named Eustass kidd and Diez drake is at.." Sengoku murmured.


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