37 : Strawhat journey

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[A/N] this is my very own filler arc this didn't really happened in any episodes >>

"O-oi! [Name]!!!" Luffy yelled as you were eating Sanji's food with nami and Usopp, "he's at it again." Nami rolled her eyes as she munch on her breakfast and drank her tangerine juice.

"Yes luffy?" You questioned as you place down your fork and looked at luffy who busted the door opened, "Wanna eat ice cream?!?" Luffy grinned as you sighed, "it's too early for he to eat that!" Sanji yelled as luffy ignored him and grinned even more.

"Luffy wants to take [Name] out on an ice cream date!" Luffy jumped on the table as he held out his hand for you to reach out, nami and sanji jaw dropped, "how the hell do you even know whats a date?!" Both sanji and nami yelled.

"Well this is surprising.." Usopp shrugs as you look dumbfolded by luffy's question, "is this even our captain?" Nami cried as sanji adjusted his shirt.

"Date?" You questioned as he smirked and nodded, "yeah!" Luffy cheered as you cross your legs, "hm, no." You said as luffy eyes widen.

"Luffy's first heart break, I'll put it in to laugh it later on." Nami chuckled as sanji shoved him away, "get your dirty hands away from my goddess! Ahh!!! [Name]-swannnnn I know you would pick me instead of him!" Sanji said as he swirl around you.

"Why does [Name] won't go out with me." Luffy pouted as he whined over you, "pleaseee- please! [Name]! [Name]! Go out with meee" Luffy whined as you chuckled.

"Luffy don't force [Name] to eat icecream this early in the morning." Nami stated as you nodded, "but nami, I want [Name] to enjoy her first day here." Luffy frowned as you pulled him to your lap and hugged him.

Sanji and nami frowned from the sudden action you did to luffy, luffy hugged you back as he grinned and wrapped his arms around your waist burrying his head on your chest.


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