[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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As you woke up you immediately went to the deck and saw the island you known, water seven.
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The island was still beutiful as ever, luffy made his way to you and grinned before wrapping his arms on your waist, "man I'd love to see lucci and kalifa here, maybe I'll even see franky and iceberg!" You smiled as sanji scoffed.
"Bet they'll be some workers who does piping from all of the water that island has." Zoro murmured as usopp and nami eyes sparkled from the island.
"It's heaven!" Usopp grinned, "It's like a fountain island." Robin commented as you nodded, "oh and luffy." Usopp said as luffy un-wrapped his arms on you and went to talk with usopp.
Robin made her way to you as sanji and usopp docked the boat, nami, luffy and ussop was gonna exchange the gold for some money as you and sanji are incharge of the ship's food supply and zoro was left to guard the ship.
Making your way to town some people even recognize you and even made a crowd, "Ah it's [Name]-channn!!" A woman yelled as sanji cocked an eyebrow and looked at you, "are you famous here or something my goddess?" Sanji chuckled a you shrug and everyone stated gathering infront of you.
"Uhh.. let me explain-" you mumbled as sanji was enjoying the scene because of females breast was shoving in his face, "ahhh! [Name] please let me hug you!!" A woman yelled.
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