[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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"No I want him." You whined as you hug bepo, law facepalmed as you were clinging on the polar bear, Eustass was laughing and kept insulting law.
"Seems like the Trafalgar, DR.heart Stealer can't have bitches because of his bear." Eustass grinned as law was really annoyed you picked the bear over him, there are many reasons why he was perfect as a cuddling person for you, one : he's hot himself, two : he knows perfectly how to hold you so your body wouldn't be sore after.
"Sorry." Bepo said as you shook your head and snuggled on its chest. "Why don't you just go away you damn shit head." Law barked as Eustass scoffs.
"Real original nickname there Trafalgar." Eustass grinned and snatched you away from bepo, you found yourself looking at his googles as he realized it and took it off, his hair fall down as he took off his goggles and gave it to you.
"Can I?" You quesitoned as he hesitantly nodded, "Hawkins can you make me a tie out of straw?" You questioned as he nodded.
Hawkins gestured his hand and made a tie out of straw and you began to collect the upper part of Eustass hair tying it in the process.
You took the goggles and put it on to hang it on your neck, "how cute." Killer said as he took out a snail cam and took pictures of you and Eustass bonding together.
"Oi!! Killer what the fuck was that?!?" Eustass yelled as killer quickly shove the camera on his pocket, "nothing- oh look a butterfly." Killer pointed out as Eustass gritted his teeth in annoyance, "fuck you!" He yelled as he sat down leaving you sitting between his legs.
Doflamingo and boa had to leave for an urgent matter on their island leaving you with the four, shachi and penguin continued eyeing you as drake glared at them.
"She's a child you fuckin' pedophiles." Drake barked as shachi and penguin startled and bumped onto each other leaving them to fall into the ground.
"Tch, she's practically 20 years old drake-ya" law stated reading a book about child's, "it says here that child needs 3 hours of sleep during lunch time." Law said as he continued reading a book.
"I'm not a child!!!" You yelled as Eustass laughed, "yeah go swear at him!" Eustass grinned as drake and law glared at the man.
"Bloody hell." Mihawk murmured as he pinched the bidge of his nose, "don't curse infront of the child." Someone yelled as all of you turn to a familiar red hair. Akagami no shanks.