35 : After Party Mess

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As you woke up and you were on top of doflamingo, you sat up scanning the area you were in and as you scan the room Doflamingo's hand went to your waist and pulled you closer to his chest.

You tried getting off but this bastard is far too strong, you huff out as you slip away, as you successfully stood up a hand pulled you to someone's chest as you saw the hands had a dozen rings you immediately knew crocodile was the one who pulled you closer, you successfully slid away as you wasted no time running outside the room.

The whole place was a mess, decorations, left over food and many people were on the floor. Law was beside Eustass kid as Hawkins and drake was passed out on the floor with the yonkos.

Luffy was on top of zoro as sanji was beside ivankov and dragon and Garp are on top of the table. Iceberg and Lucci along with kaku and kalifa were on top of each other like a pile.

Jimbei and Moria were on the ceiling as Mihawk was on his chair drinking wine as he reads his book like nothing happened.

Katakuri was sleeping beside marco and king as Sanji's brothers were a pile mess on the stairway.

Reiju and nami along with robin and perona made their way to you, "[Nameeee] c'mon you must be pretty hungry we can go cook barbecue outside! Oi sanji wake up!" Nami yelled as sanji jolted awake causing him to scream since ivankov was sleeping on his chest.

"I SLEPT WITH A-" sanji cried as zoro woke up with an irritated face as he threw a bottle on Sanji's head , as sanji was about to yell at the moss head nami yelled at him again as he quickly made his way to you.

Boa woke up and stood beside you as she place a hand on her forehead, "darling my head hurts." She pouted as you smiled at her, "we'll treat that after we eat." You grinned as Reiju and perona pouted from jealousy.

"Alrighttt let's go!" You chimed as nami just nodded and thatch had woken up, "AHHH! My darling hasn't had breakfast yet!" Thatch screamed making marco and Izo wake up.

"Shut up.." Ace murmured on his sleep as you giggled,

"Ahhh sanji could you pass me the barbecue sauce?" Thatch commanded with a smirk as you and the girls sat down on the picnic table.

"Don't tell me what to do! I am a chef." Sanji murmured as thatch chuckled, "im the chef." Thatch grinned as you sat there feeling a bit hungry.

"Cooking show down it is." Nami smirked, "thatch's specialty always amazed me." You smiled earning a smile from thatch and a frown from sanji.

"Do not fear my lady! I shall change your mind [Name]-chwann!!" Sanji hurriedly took some ingredients as marco and king had their early fly race.

As the food of sanji and thatch was about to serve you were quickly snatched away and someone flew you from the sky, you almost screamed on how high you were as you tug yourself closer to the persons chest.

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