80 : Valentine's Day Special (PT. #2)

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Upon looking at the man who opened the door, there stood an angry croc, "I can't believe you twins would do this to her, especially in school are you insane?!" Crocodile yelled as Doflamingo chuckled.

"Quiet frankly, yes, but not so much on the twins part." Doflamingo grinned as Corazon nervously chuckled.

"I-it's not what it looks like o swear!" Corazon yelped out as you got out of Doflamingo's grasp, "Mr. Donquixote, I'd like to go n-now." You excused yourself as you grabbed the things from your desk and dash away from the classroom, I guess there's no class today.

Now walking in the halls you bumped into sabo and dragon and sabo quickly help you up and picked up the things that fell down.

"Im very sorry [Name]..— wait [NAME]!" Sabo quickly blush in embarrassment as he hid behind dragon.

"H-hey! [Name]-hime." Sabo smiled at you as dragon only sighed and gave you a chocolate heart shape box and a written note saying.

'From your dearest admirer, sabo'

"Dragon-San not now! Im currently here!" Sabo nervously said as dragon cocked an eyebrow, "didn't you want me handing it to her?" Dragon asked as sabo nodded.

"I-I meant that you should hand it when I'm not around..anyways this is embarrassing and awkward oh gosh what would [Name] say!" Sabo exclaimed as he turned to you.

"Oh shit you're here! I- uhmm, please read the letter later bye [Name]." Sabo kissed your cheeks as he ran away.

"That kid." Dragon grumbled, "he really likes you, I mean not to mention everyone likes you, you're lucky." Dragon stated as you nodded and walked away.

"Where the heck is uta and persona.." you murmured as you look around, you walk towards the locker area and stuffed all of the things everyone got you inside it.

"At this point I'll get introuble for having too many things inside it." You grumbled as you turned around you quickly punched the person behind you revealing Bartolommeo.

"Oh gosh barto I'm sorry!!!" You exclaimed as you quickly hugged him, barto took a few minutes to realize you were hugging him, HIM, he quickly went all red and got startled.

"[n-na-NAME]-senpai!" Bartolommeo yelled as he shove a single flower that he picked up from outside the schools garden.

"Oh, thank you!" You smiled as you grabbed the flower and went to give him a peck but he surprised you with a kiss on the forehead.

"Happy Valentine's Day [Name]-senpai!" Barto yelled as he dash away, what's up with everyone leaving you? You asked yourself as you sighed and went to your next class.

There you sat on you seat but no one was there, you felt the urge to go home after all the running, suddenly the lights were off and the window blinds were closed down.

You got startled and someone grabbed your waist and pulled you for a kiss, his lips were soft and he was tall considering you were looking up.

Then another presence was behind you and started lightly kissing your neck then quickly turn into a sucking sensation.

The room was becoming warmer as one of them slid their hand inside your school top, you pulled away from the kissed as a rough large hands was playing with your breast.

You let out a moan as it pinched your nipples, "I told you I'll get her to moan first." A familiar voice chuckled as the lights were opened and they gave you some space.

There, infront of you was Dracula Mihawk and behind you is none other then red hair shanks, "Sensei!" You moved and gasped when you realize you kissed your teacher.

"I'm very sorry for my inappropriate behavior!" You now down as mihawk cocked an eyebrow, since they were the one who did it.

"Well I could forgive you if you let me bang you." Shanks grinned then he was quickly smacked by mihawk himself.

"Don't be so full of yourself akagami, we do know we'll get kicked out for this." Mihawk murmured as shanks whines.

"Meet us after school." Mihawk said as he drags shanks by the collar of his polo leaving you inside the classroom looking like a mess.

You ran to the bathroom to fix yourself up, looking at the mirror you took the time looking at your neck seeing the visible hickeys.

"This is bad, really bad." You whined, "need some help I see." One of the stalls opened revealing hiyori, "ah hiyori!" You smiled before hugging her.

She was your childhood friend, so she was the new transferee, you thought to yourself as your eyes were looking at her makeup kit.

Hiyori lifts your chin and started putting liquid concealer, after that she dabbed it, "well that atta' do the trick, you don't mind me grabbing the payment would you?" Hiyori asked as you nodded in confusion and hiyori quickly leaned forward to kiss you.

"And what's the meaning of this?" Kalifa's voice echoed inside the room as hiyori pulled away and narrowed her eyes at the school president, Kalifa.

"Detention." Kalifa said looking at hiyori, "for what?" Hiyori asked pouting and crossing her arms, "for making out in public." Kalifa said as hiyori walks away.

"And you ..." Kalifa turns to you as her lips smashed to yours, your eyes widen from the sudden kiss and she pulls away and adjusted her glasses before giving you three days detention.

"Happy Valentine's Day, [Name]." She said walking away, I guess I gotta thank hiyori for helping you out,

[Time Skip : After School]

As the school day ended you were left with a handful of bouquets, boxes of chocolates, and a whole lot of love letters from your other classmates.

Uta, perona and reiju was kind enough to help you out carrying the stuffs you were given, "heavens gate! You got a new phone from vismoke sanji!" Pero a exclaimed as reiju looks at the phone.

"That's why he was working with the Baratie restaurant to save up to buy you a Valentine's Day gift because he refuses to ask money from father." Reiju smiled, "everyone is head over heels for her, even uta likes her." Perona was smacked by uta.

"I do not!" Uta grumbled as she blush in utter embarrassment, reiju on the other hand feels the same way, she likes you and she only got you a silver butterfly necklace.

Your fathers pulls down the car window and looked at the gifts that was in your hand, "long day?" Xebec grinned, "yes." You whined as your friends place all of the gifts inside of your dads cars filling the backseat with bouquets, box of chocolates and other gifts.

"You're lucky." Xebec grinned, "you're just like your mother, she's the school campus crush, well you know me I wouldn't let anyone take her away from me so I had some luck." Xebec grinned.

"I don't wanna hear another high school story of you and mom." You whined as xebec laughed and started continuing how he courted your mother.


[A/N] heya sorry for the lack of chapters or whatever, this is one high school AU I might continue this on the other book just let me know if you wanna know how the dates turns out.

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