87 : Crashing The Wedding

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As luffy pop out of the vanity mirror with brulee, you let out an airy laugh and pinch his cheeks, "don't mess this up luffy." You recalled, "roger that, [Name]." Luffy grinned.

"Hey stop being flirty with her!" Ace yelled in the background popping out of the mirror, "oi [Name]." Ace called out as you let out a hm

"Be careful." Ace grinned before kissing your cheeks and going back the mirror world, "ace is weird! Kishishishi!" Luffy laughed as you rolled your eyes.

"You should start cloning yourself." You stated as luffy nodded and went inside the mirror realm.

As luffy disappeared, a knock from your door surprised you, "what could it be this time.." you murmured dragging yourself towards the door meeting cracker.

"Hey cracker." You smiled as he looked down, "you..look, stunning." He grumbled as you nodded and thanked him.

"Katakuri is in the other castle, wrong room." He murmured as he started walking away,


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As everyone was looking at you and pudding, pudding couldn't help but to overthink the situation, all she can think about is her shooting you.

You heard a small chuckle from her as sanji and Katakuri looked at you, "kata.." you smiled.

"I can't believe she's getting married already." Yonji frowned, "she's still sexy as ever." Ichiji laughed, "quit being sexist to [Name]." Reiju murmured as yonji and ichigi turned to her.

"[Name] you look...splendid." Katakuri replied as you gavi him a close-eye smile and gestured your hand, "ah thank you Katakuri,"

"[Name] I promise you, I will cherish you forever and will never leave your side, you were the woman I wanted from the start, no girl could ever be so extraordinary more than you, you thought me how to appreciate a person so much." Katakuri smiled as you went silent not knowing what to say for your vow.

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