103: Gorosei's Meeting

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"[Name] huh.." saint saturn murmured, "what about her?" One of the elders asked, "she seems to know the whole history of joyboy himself." Saint Saturn stated.

"Impossible." Garp protested as sengoku stopped him "Garp, you never informed the navy you know what happened in the void century."

"I was...." garp rails off looking at the nervous sengoku, "[Name] was having a few bad dreams about joyboy himself, I told her the story that happened during the void century because that was the only thing keeping her calm, she's an innocent girl, she has nothing to do with the prophecy nor joyboy himself." Garp stated.

"Wrong. She's Xebec's daugher, the most outrageous and dangerous man alive, It has said that she'll ruin the new world and if we don't stop her, other people will try and use her, is that what you want? Huh garp."

Garp was silent, he couldn't argue against them, they were right, "so sengoku." One of the elders spoke as sengoku looks at him. "Yes sir?" Sengoku answered.

"I have a plan to lure them to egg island, as we all predicted, Kaido will lose against Strawhat."


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"Ah [Name]-chwan, how about a bowl of ramen to ease up your mind about that terrible and horrible dream." Sanji tried his best to comfort you as drake pretty much gobbled up the food that sanji served.

"I gotta say, for a cook..and ramen, this is out this world, man this taste so good." Drake complimented as sanji rolled his eyes.

"So uhh, [Name], the whole secret thing about with me..could you still keep it a promise." Drake asked with a genuine smile as sanji went to the kitchen to make more ramen.

"Yeah, no problem, Drake." You held up a smile as drake sighed in relief, "so..[Name] how are you? We haven't seen each other for a..while." Drake frowned.

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