[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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"Hey [Name], wait up!" Ace yelled as doflamingo moved his leg a little making ace trip over it.
"HEY!" Ace yelled as doflamingo only smirked, "[Name] why is this shitty flamingo still here!" Ace whines.
"Well won't this be fun, you'll get to see me everyday for the rest of your life, we could be roomates! And even more! Best friends fufufu I know Iconic, you'll get to see me everyday." Doflamingo smirked pointing himself as he taunts ace more.
Ace eyes had widened and ran away to find luffy, you chuckled on their type of 'bonding' and smiled at them, you were thinking about making your own crew, as you walk away you saw marco and ace in the distance and decided to see marco.
"Hey yoi." Marco chuckled as ace was sleeping on his shoulder. "Did he fell asleep?" You asked as marco nodded and tapped the seat next to him signaling you to sit down.
"Do you plan on something to do after?" Marco asked as you shrugged, "well I've always wanted a crew.." you murmured, marco had a smile on his face as he sighned.
"I could join you yoi." Marco grinned, your eyes widens and looked at him, a smile formed as you both hear a sudden scream.
"[NAMEEE]- chwaannnnn!!!" Thatch yelled in the distance as zoro and sanji rise a brow looking at the love sick cook.
"Hey I'm the only one who can call her that." Sanji grumbled angrily as thatch tackled you on the ground hugging you.
"I was worried sick my dear angel!" Thatch cried as you ruffled his hair and laughed at him.
"So [Name] has another one of those annoying love sick cook." Zoro murmured as jimbei laughs.
"I heard my darling is making her own crew! I thought I had to leave with shanks to go back to his hometown where me and marco was staying." Thatch explained.
"Oh, quick question why are you two suddenly wanna join my crew so early..?" You murmured as marco and thatch looks at each other.
"Well the answer is simple yoi, every one of our crew promised pops we'll take care of you."
"And as an honor of being a whitebeard former crew and son of pops, we will protect you and follow you." Thatch grinned as he helps you stand up.
"Thats...sweet." You murmured, "oh and who's that blonde guy I saw with you and ace earlier?" Thatch asked as doflamingo clears his throat.