[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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As you arrived on Spandam office Spandam immediately tried flirting with you, "aren't you like- 31 years old! Get away from me." You said in disgust as Franky laughed.
"Darling that hurts my feelings." Spandam pouted, "like I care." You said bluntly as you shove Spandam away.
"Long time no see lucci." A man with a really weird mustache said, "it appears that your stupidity has rise up as well, Jyabura." Lucci stated.
As Franky and Robin were taken away you were ordered to be on the Cp. 0's side.
"What did you say?" Jyabura stood up as Kaku stepped in and hold back the both of them, "stop it, we just got back." Kaku stated.
As the big ball man jumped to Kalifa she kicked it quickly which bounced to blueno then to Kaku and lucci then to you.
Thankfully even with sea prism you had time to react and kicked him away.
Turns out the round ball man was figuring out people's level power.
"Wow as expected, you all are very powerful, first Kalifa, she has a power of level 630." He stated then looks over to Blueno, "blueno, power level is 820, Kaku, power level 2,200, and lucci- power level is 4,000!"
"No way he's that powerful!" Jyabura yelled, "shut it." Kalifa stated, "how about [Name]-chan?" Kaku questioned.
As the man with a zipper mouth fell down he looked at you with great fear and felt overwhelmed by you, "Monkey D. [N-Name] power level o-of 5,000,000,000 p-power."
Everyone in the one stared at you in shock as Spandam fell, "there's no way! I've heard the news she's fragile as a child! There's no way she could out power us!!" Jyabura yelled.
"Her power is enough to stop three yonkos at this point." Kalifa said as she adjusted her glasses, "still it's surprising how she ended up with that high power rating." Lucci stated as he stared at you.
"Now I know why the pirates and marines are fighting to get you, you can be a weapon!" Spandam grinned as you narrowed your eyes at him.
"Hey! Objection' setting lucci aside,what's the deal with me being weaker than Kaku!" Jyabura questioned.
"Maybe if you stop being lazy and start training you'd be stronger you look-alike rat." You mumbled as Jyabura looked at you.
"Chapapa, Kaku has gotten stronger too."
"Hey Kaku don't be so sure about yourself Kaku." Jyabura growled as Kaku looked at him barely even caring.