14 : Invitation

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"Doffy someone dock a boat on the island.." Trebol explained, doflamingo eyes twitch in annoyance as he push the girl that was with him away and turned to trebol.

"Can't you take care of it?" Doflamingo grinned in annoyance as the girl that was with him earlier exited the room, "well..we couldn't find that person— plus doffy we found nothing in the ship we were kinda hoping you would investigate it because who ever that person is might be skilled because that person hasn't left any tracks." Trebol explain and Doflamingo's grin faded.

"Hmm.." Doflamingo stood up and eyed the balcony as he creates another version of himself to strings  and started to look around.


"Hi miss your so pretty!" A little boy came with a blush on his face, I was carrying my bags and was secretly gonna slid an invitation to doffy.

"Aww thank you little boy." I smiled and leaned down to his height to kiss his cheeks and the boy immediately blushed.

By far i needed to visit smoker and tashigi along with hina on longue town, then marineford..alabasta, water seven and..thriller bark. Since the Whitebeard pirates were in the new world I'll start off with doffy, next big mom and her crew along with the beast pirate and shanks.. I saw doffy searching on the area and a few visible strings along the island. Bird cage.

I wanna surprise doffy and maybe sneak around the area, I patted the boys head and head up my hood, also I still have trafalagars hoodie on my backpack, marco was kind enough to let me borrow his purple one.

As I saw doffy I immediately knew it was just his string base on the little visible string on top of it, I moved away and acted like I live in dressrosa, I haven't fully explored the place but I knew there was a secret passage.

As I walk to it I smirked knowing doflamingo is frustrated from finding the person who left that small boat, hell I do even hear him screaming and shouting already.


"I don't care just find that rotten dent already!!" Doflamingo yelled as he grinned in annoyance and his eyes twitch in sync with his hands.

The family never had troubles anything like this and they were scared of doffy, as the family got out of the room I snuck in and tackled doffy which doffy quickly dodge.

"Fufufu so the rat finally came out of the dent.. fighting secretly isn't nice." Doflamingo cooed as he eyed the small hooded frame.

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