30 : A tiny problem

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"Capatin land ahead!" One of Hawkins crew yelled as you sat up and rub your eyes, I guess you fell asleep with Hawkins, "we're here!" You cheered as Hawkins only groaned and shifted himself on the opposite side of the bed.

Not really a morning person aren't you? You giggled as you stood up and began to shuffle your bag into some extra clothes you packed. You put on the hoodie that law gave you, fully washed ofcourse.

"Hawkins wake up." You ordered as the man nodded and sat up, "are you perhaps hungry?" He quesitoned as you nodded, and he stood up and put in his usual attire shirt.

"Okay first thing first! Law's vivre card!" You grinned as you shuffled your bag to find it, Hawkins had his usual bored expression as he nodded but he was clearly jelaous.

"Shall we go outside to get breakfast first? Or should we head to Trafalgar." He quesitoned knowing you would eat first since the card told him so.

"Breakfast!" You grinned as you suddenly held his hand and dragged him outside his room, the crew was quiet as they eyed you holding their captains hand.

"Oh? Is it wrong to hold your hand?" You quesitoned as you turned to Hawkins who had his usual expression and his pale skin with a hint of pink gaze up on you. "No, do not worry." He stated hiding his face away from yours.

Both of you sat down and he smiled for the first time was you grinned at him, "so tell me about your devil fruit

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Both of you sat down and he smiled for the first time was you grinned at him, "so tell me about your devil fruit." You rested your head on your palm and locked your gaze on him.

He nodded before a life-like straw puppet came out of his hand and you gasped as your eyes filled with sparkle, Hawkins cracked up seeing you being happy with just his devil fruit.

"My devil fruit is called the Straw-Straw Fruit and I have the ability to take damage through the use of a puppet prepared from within my body or even to transform myself into a giant straw puppet." He said before yuu ou nodded in excitement.

"So you can take others life?! That's so cool! Take mine!" You grinned as he shook his head, "your life is precious and if I ever harm myself I will harm you. And I wouldn't want that." He stated.

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