[Name] was a very fragile girl, growing up she had three brothers who treated her like a sister, she didn't like violence or what so ever, she was a special girl not only because of her beauty but her kindness and her secret devil fruit.
No one kne...
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As you wake up, a strange feeling of wanting to puke strikes you and you hurriedly stepped outside the room throwing up on the ship's railing, luckily you were on the side of the ship so you puked on the ocean, sorry jimbei.
"God why do I feel like I had drank alcohol..where am- - whitebeard's ship?!" You almost fell down the railing as marco grabbed the collar of your shirt and pulled you closer to his chest.
"You're finally awake yoi." Marco chuckled as you heard a loud laughter coming from the deck, curious, you found yourself pushing marco slightly away as you walk towards the deck.
"Ah lass how are you feeling?" Whitebeard asked as you looked around seeing the whole ship was covered in a huge bubble that was use to travel under water.
"Why is the moby dick covered—" you were cut off by vista announcing that everyone start preparing to save ace. The word made your eyes widen as you turn to marco and thatch.
"Save ace?— wait are you telling me he got captured?!" You yelled as both commanders looked at each other and slightly nodded.
"Yeah, havent you heard the news? Oh wait you were knocked out cold the past two days." Thatch stated, "yeah we found you hanging on a log for dear life, you were soaking wet and you must be starving yoi."
"Ah! My darling are you hungry? I can fetch you up a nice meal before the fight!" Thatch offered as you politely nodded.
Marco place a hand on your shoulder as you turned to him, "you okay yoi?" He asked and you shook your head, "everything feels..not right—but, not that im not thankful you guys saved me but I dont even know how I— My bag! Have you seen it!?" You instantly asked because all of your important items were there.
"N-no, but we have your watch— honestly thats all we saw when we rescued you." Marco admitted, you were ỉn complete shock, without the revive book snd your bag you felt upset.
"Hey we can find the revive book after we save ace from his very own execution yoi." Marco said trying ti lighten your mood.
"Y-...yeah." You finally spoke as marco cressed your cheeks and just kissed you on the forehead, earlier you had a dream about the war and about xebec coming to it.
Did you broke the timeline? You simply asked yourself as you let out a frustrated sigh, roaming around the ship, you found your father Edward Newgate.
"Hey pops— quick question, do you know a man name xebec?" Whitebeard almost chocked on his drink before turning his attention to you.
"My dear where have you heard the name? His name has been erased by the world government, how would you possibly know?" Whitebeard asked.
"Uhh— just heard the name.." you murmured, "Rocks D. Xebec was my former captain, back at my day we were the strongest crew ever existed, that's when that stupid roger came up and teamed up with your gramps to capture and defeat xebec." Whitebeard explained.